Scroll to Top of React Components Using useRef: A How-To Guide

Signor Dev
5 min readSep 11, 2023


useRef() Hook

In the world of web development, creating smooth and intuitive user experiences is paramount. Often, achieving these experiences requires precise control over how different elements on a webpage behave, including scrolling.

Picture this scenario: You’re working on a React application, and you have a specific requirement — when certain components within your app update or receive new content, you want them to gracefully scroll to the top of their content area. Sounds simple, right? However, you don’t want the entire window to scroll, just the specific components you choose.

This is where the power of React and the useRef hook come into play. In this article, we'll explore how to create scrollable React components that you can control with pinpoint accuracy using the useRef hook. This technique allows you to scroll specific parts of your application independently, enhancing the user experience and making your app feel more polished.

Throughout this guide, we’ll walk through the steps to create a reusable ScrollableComponent that can be integrated into your React projects. Whether you're building a chat application, a news feed, or any other dynamic interface, this technique will prove invaluable in ensuring that your users always have a seamless scrolling experience within specific sections of your application.

By the end of this article, you’ll have a deep understanding of how to harness the power of useRef to achieve controlled scrolling, giving you the tools to enhance your React applications with this elegant and practical solution.

What is useRef?

The useRef hook is one of the built-in hooks in React. It provides a way to create mutable references to elements in the DOM or to hold values that persist across renders without causing re-renders. While refs are often associated with DOM elements, they can also be used to hold references to custom components or any JavaScript value.

Why Use useRef?

You might wonder why we need useRef for something as simple as scrolling. While React provides a declarative way to manage your application's UI, there are situations where you need to interact with the DOM directly. Scrolling is one such scenario.

Here’s why useRef is particularly useful for scrolling:

  1. Preserving State: When you scroll a component, you want to remember its state across renders. By using useRef, you can keep a reference to the same DOM element without causing re-renders. This ensures that the component's scroll position remains consistent.
  2. Direct DOM Access: The useRef hook allows you to directly access and manipulate DOM elements without resorting to querying the DOM manually. This direct access is both efficient and convenient.
  3. Clean and Predictable: By using useRef, you keep the scrolling logic encapsulated within your components, making your code clean and predictable. It also enhances the reusability of your scrollable components.

Creating a useRef

Let’s start by creating a simple useRef. In this example, we'll create a reference to a DOM element:

import { useRef, useEffect } from 'react';

function MyComponent() {
// Create a ref and initialize it with null
const myRef = useRef(null);

// Access the DOM element with myRef.current
useEffect(() => {
if (myRef.current) {
// Do something with the DOM element
myRef.current.textContent = 'Hello, useRef!';
}, []);

return <div ref={myRef}></div>;

In the code above, we create a ref called myRef using useRef(null). This initializes the ref with a value of null. We attach this ref to a div element using the ref attribute. Inside the useEffect, we access the DOM element via myRef.current and manipulate it.

Creating a Scrollable Component

To achieve controlled scrolling within specific components, we’ll start by creating a reusable ScrollableComponent using the useRef hook. This component will serve as the foundation for our controlled scrolling solution.

import { useEffect, useRef } from 'react';

function ScrollableComponent(props) {
// Create a ref to reference the scrollable element
const scrollableRef = useRef(null);

useEffect(() => {
// Scroll to the top of the component when content changes
scrollableRef.current.scrollTo(0, 0);
}, [props.content]);

return (
overflowY: 'auto',
height: '300px', // Set a fixed height for scrollable area

Here’s what this code does:

  • We imported useEffect and useRef from React to work with side effects and create a reference, respectively.
  • Inside ScrollableComponent, we created a scrollableRef using useRef. This ref will be used to reference the scrollable div element within our component.
  • In the useEffect hook, we watched for changes in the props.content variable. Whenever this content changes, our effect triggers.
  • Inside the effect, we use scrollableRef.current.scrollTo(0, 0) to scroll the component to the top (0,0 coordinates). This provides precise control over scrolling behaviuor whenever the content changes.
  • Finally, we returned a div element with the ref set to our scrollableRef. We also apply styling to make it scrollable with a fixed height of 300px. This can be adjusted to fit your design requirements.

This ScrollableComponent will allow us to control scrolling within specific parts of our application as content updates, providing a smooth and controlled user experience.

Real-World Usage

Now that you’ve grasped the concept of scrolling to the top of specific components using the useRef hook, let's explore how to apply this technique in real-world scenarios.

Consider a common use case: a chat application. In a chat app, as new messages arrive, you want the message area to automatically scroll to the latest message, providing a seamless chat experience for your users.

Here’s a simplified example of how you can use the ScrollableComponent we created earlier in a chat application:

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import ScrollableComponent from './ScrollableComponent';

function ChatApp() {
const [messages, setMessages] = useState([]);
const [newMessage, setNewMessage] = useState('');

const handleSendMessage = () => {
const updatedMessages = [...messages, newMessage];

useEffect(() => {
// Automatically scroll to the latest message when messages update
scrollableRef.current.scrollTo(0, scrollableRef.current.scrollHeight);
}, [messages]);

return (
<ScrollableComponent ref={scrollableRef}>
{, index) => (
<div key={index}>{message}</div>

onChange={(e) => setNewMessage(}
<button onClick={handleSendMessage}>Send</button>

export default ChatApp;

In this example, we have a ChatApp component where messages are added to the messages array. We use the ScrollableComponent to wrap the message display area, and with a simple useEffect, we ensure that the chat area scrolls to the latest message whenever new messages are added.



Signor Dev

Frontend Engineer | Smart Contract Developer | Writer