Lesson 1: Setting up your Java jdk

Emmanuel Ozibo
2 min readSep 25, 2017


What is JDK?

JDK stands for Java development kit, This is what you need to run java programs..

The jdk also contains Java APIs(java Application programming interface) which are packages that contains pre defined classes(For now don’t worry about what a class or package is, you will understand them in future lessons but let me try to explain somethings)..

An example of a Java package is Java.lang package, one of the classes in this package is the Math class this helps you to do some mathematical computation such as square root, exponentials etc..

Another package in the java.utils, one of the classes is the Date class which helps you to manipulate date in Java

With these examples I am sure you will have an idea of what java APIs are..

Steps to download and install Java JDK

  1. Download the Java jdk here you will find several downloading options choose the one that suits your computer.. I am using a windows 32bits computer so I will choose “windows x86" option..
  2. Follow the installation prompt and install it..
  3. If you are done installing you can test it by opening the command prompt and type the following command ‘java -version’ This command should result to this:
command prompt

That’s it!!!! you have installed java development kit on your computer, so can start writing code..


