If you want to learn how to code, it is important to know the right steps to take in order to learn how to code efficiently and effectively. First, we talk about the first step toward learning your first programming language.
What is Coding? Coding is the process of converting ideas, solutions, and instructions into binary-machine code, which a computer can understand. Coding is how humans communicate with computers. Coding entails using a computer programming language to communicate and give instructions for various actions we want our computers to perform. Examples of programming languages are JavaScript, Java, C/C++, Python etc.
Coding is a life journey, getting to know your starting point is as important as moving smoothly through the journey. The first step I advise for a newbie is to read about various programming languages, identify what interests them, and why do they want to learn how to code. What applications or software do they want to build when learning how to code? This will give them a clue to the appropriate programming language they should start with and remain consistent with. One common mistake of a newbie is to try to learn everything at the same time. You should have a road map of a particular language and follow it strictly. Evan Kimbrell created a free course called Pre-Programming: Everything you need to know before you code. I highly will recommend you take the course on Udemy. It will give you a more detailed understanding of the journey of coding.
Again, communication during the course of learning how to code is very important. The more you expand your communication skills the better you become as you will be open to new ideas from fellow coders and for collaborative projects. In order to improve your communication skills, it is advised to join various developer platforms such as Codenewbie, Freecodecamp, Stackoverflow, and Hackermoon. These platforms will enhance both your coding and communication skills. You can also ask questions there and get solutions to problems.
Finally, active practicing is a good habit for learning how to code and improving your coding skills. It reminds me of a quote by Abraham Lincoln “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” The benefit of practicing these skills will help get started on your coding journey. Hope this article was useful information for you. See you in my next article.