Interesting newsletters and articles to keep you up to date with trends in AI and Blockchain

Emmanuel Sibanda
4 min readJul 19, 2017

I decided to draft a list of newsletter, articles and blogs that I follow and that I hope will help people looking to learn more about AI and blockchain and to keep up to date with trends and research in these two fields.

I also decided to add short summaries to each link- where I could, explaining what each article/newsletter/blog is about to help you find articles/newsletters/blogs that are particularly useful to you.



  1. Blockchain for non-techies: Part 1 -a discussion on societal agreements, creating systems to keep track of said agreements and how trust is the core value that makes such agreements possibleand trust (the foundation of understanding blockchain).
  2. Blockchain for non-techies: Part 2 -a non technical discussion on how blockchain facilitates p2p agreement in a scalable, decentralized and transparent manner..
  3. Blockchain for non-techies: Part 3- a non technical discussion on programmable contracts (smart contracts) and how the intention of smart contracts cannot be misinterpreted.
  4. How the blockchain works- a high level explanation of how the blockchain works
  5. Ethereum, Blockchain and ICOs - discussion on what ICOs are, why we aren’t seeing more decentralized applications built on bitcoin (spoiler: has a lot to do with the complexity of Bitcoin’s scripting language- which pretty much resembles macine code), a very good primer on ethereum and ICOs (spoiler: really quite similar to an IPO in the sense that it is a fundraising mechanism. In a nutshell tokens are sold for a certain price, these tokens can then later on be exchanged with other cryptocurrencies).
  6. Triple Entry Accounting- A discussion on triple entry accounting and a list of requirements needed to implement triple entry accounting
  7. How Bitcoin works- a detailed and somewhat technical explanation of how bitcoin works; how transactions are carried out within the bitcoin network and where new bitcoins come from
  8. AltCoin- A discussion on cryptocurrencies and Altcoins (have not read the entire paper yet)
  9. BigChain DB’s blog on blockchain technology
  10. Satoshi Nakatomo’s paper on Bitcoin
  11. KPIs of a few blockchain platforms
  12. Buyer Beware, Fred Wilson- Fred Wilson’s cautionary blog posts on ICOs
  13. Analyzing Token Sale Models- a discussion on different types of token sales; uncapped (no cap on the amount being raised through the token sale) and capped ICOs
  14. Yellow paper on Ethereum
  15. Ethereum Frontier- a pretty decent book on gitbooks for anyone looking to learn about Ethereum; how to connect to the network, how to write a contract etc.
  16. Richard Gendal Brown’s blog on the future of finance
  17. Bitsapphire- weekly newsletter on blockchain and financial cryptography
  18. CoinDesk- Cryptocurrency news and articles
  19. Bitcoin Weekly- a weekly roundup of cryptocurrency news and articles


  1. Arvix- Scientific research papers on everything related to AI
  2. Impart AI- a weekly newsletter about AI
  3. Sam DeBrule’s Machine Learning’s blog
  4. Machine Learning- weekly newsletter about everything that has to do with AI
  5. Reddit Artificial- AI news and articles
  6. Reddit- More AI news and articles
  7. Vertical AI startups- a discussion on vertical AI, choosing the right market to target (given the market’s size) and the defensibility of vertical AI startups
  8. O’Reilly Weekly- AI newsletter
  9. Deep learning Weekly- Weekly deep learning news and articles
  10. The Wild Week in AI- AI newsletter
  11. Stanford Encyclopedia- Logic and Artificial Intelligence- a philosophical discussion onthe role of logic in AI and that we need to understand how reason works in order to solve problems that require reason
  12. Computer Vision Blog- Deep learning and computer vision articles
  13. Computer vision is artificial- a discussion on how computer vision should be recognised as an AI field. The importance of computer vision in AI is undeniable, any application which calls for the automated analysis of images will need vision. Vision is not a smaller problem than general purpose intelligence it requires high level cognitive scene understanding because the only way to make machines truly understand scenes and objects in the real world is to make them first understand the fabrics of human life and all its complexities.
  14. Nathan Benaich’s- AI and ML news from the tech industry, research labs and VCs
  15. Investing in AI- how AI could shape markets, solve current problems in different markets
  16. OpenAI- AI research
  17. Robotics Trends- articles on robotics and AI
  18. Gigaom- AI podcast
  19. Inside AI- a weekly newsletter covering AI, robotics and neurotech
  20. McKinsey’s State of A.I 2017 Report
  21. Science Daily- AI articles
  22. Robohub- News and interviews about robotics, drones and AI
  23. AI Weekly- weekly newsletter on AI and ML
  24. The AI Podcast- AI podcast and interviews with AI researchers, entrepreneurs and discussions on AI, VR, AR, and Drone trends
  25. Apple Machine Learning- The new Apple Machine Learning Journal


  1. MIT Technology review
  2. The Long Now Foundation- monthly seminars on important issues that shape our present day world and will shape our future
  3. 11 things to be excited about the future of technology- self explanatory
  4. Andrew Chen- a great way to keep up to date with what is happening in Silicon Valley and a lot of thought provoking essays.
  5. Github’s newsletter- if you want to keep up to date with trending repositories or interest things happening in the open source world
  6. Benedict Evan’s blog (A16Z employee) on startups and interesting technologies
  7. Founder’s Weekly- sales, marketing, hiring, PR, biz dev and a lot of interesting articles for founders sent through a weekly newsletter

I hope you found this useful, there are a few other interesting newsletters I follow that I did not include. As another information source you may want to signup on Feedly and follow the rss feeds of interesting blogs/sites.

I will continue adding more content to this article.

