Prerequisites of AngularJS | What Your Angular Developer Must Know?

Emma Sen
2 min readOct 2, 2023


AngularJS is a versatile and powerful JavaScript framework in the evolving web development segment. If you hire Angularjs programmers you must ensure they are well-versed with certain prerequisites to excel in your project and steer ahead of the competition.

Let’s look at what are the prerequisites for an Angular developer to know before diving into the dynamic framework.

What Constitutes A Competent AngularJS Developer?

An AngularJS developer should be thorough with the following intricacies of the framework:

JavaScript Mastery

JavaScript lies at the heart of AngularJS which is why when you hire AngularJS developers you must evaluate their proficiency. They must possess a solid understanding of JavaScript consisting of its core concepts, functions, data types, and object-oriented programming principles. This familiarity is crucial to handling events, making asynchronous requests, and manipulating the Document Object Model (DOM).

HTML and CSS Proficiency

AngularJS works closely in conjunction with HTML and CSS to produce dynamic and interactive web applications. An Angular developer should be well-versed in these front-end technologies to appropriately structure web pages using HTML, apply styles and layouts with CSS, and ensure seamless integration with Angular components. This will ensure an exceptionally designed and highly functional web application.

TypeScript Knowledge

When you hire AngularJS programmers they must be experienced with TypeScript. It’s a superset of JavaScript used predominantly by the latest versions of web applications. TypeScript introduced static typing to JavaScript rendering a maintainable, reliable, clean, and error-free code. Therefore, an Angular professional must know TypeScript syntax, type annotations, and concepts like interfaces and decorators.

RxJS Knowledge

To ensure asynchronous programming which is vital for modern web development, RxJS can be leveraged. This is a library for reactive programming in JavaScript. An Angular developer who has the competence to use RxJS operators, observables, and subjects can ensure effective handling of asynchronous operations. This can also facilitate the creation of real-time features in your Angular applications.

Familiarity with MVC Architecture

When you hire a dedicated Angular developer a deep understanding of MVC is fundamental. MVC divides an application into 3 distinct components: the model (data), the view (user interface), and the controller (logic). The Angular developers should be able to set up routes, create controllers, and manage data binding for the creation of a structured and maintainable codebase.

Wrapping Up

In short, AngularJS is a versatile framework if you are considering modern web app development. Before you make your choice and hire AngularJS programmers look for their solid foundation in the above-stated prerequisites. This will ensure higher reliability and collaborative success for your Angular project.

