Tips For Raising An Irish Jack Russell Terrier!

emma smith
2 min readNov 20, 2017


Dogs are the most loyal and lovable among other pets, and Jack Russell Terriers are the most popular choice for dog loving people. Keeping the Irish Jack Russell happy is the priority of every dog owner. Almost all the dogs’ loves treat their dog as another family member and always eager to do anything that keeps their dog happy.

Jack Russell Terriers are the faithful and friendly dogs. They have distinct and appealing personality and behavior, and you have to pay extra attention to raise them as healthy and happy Jack Russell. Below are some tips that will help you out:

Start Training As Soon As Possible

Jack Russell is an extremely active and smart dog which is always eager to learn new things. So it is necessary to start his training early so that he learns to socialize with other dogs. Jack Russell Terrier Puppies has their own rules and regulations.

Train your dog early and set some boundaries for him. Do not forget to teach some fun tricks as Jack Russell is a very talented and love to learn new things.

Praise Your Jack Russell

A perfect dog always follows his owner’s instructions. When your jack terrier follows your command and behaves wisely, praise him or give him some treat. The best thing to let him know that he has done right is to praise him immediately. Your dog feels happy if he gets to know he has done something right for you.

Keep Your Dog Healthy

Go for a morning walk with your Jack Russell to keep him or yourself moving. Remember, it is essential to take your pet to a vet clinic at some regular interval to keep track of his health. A good amount of food and exercise is necessary to keep him healthy and fit.

Let Your Dog Know His Place

Do not accept the unusual behavior of your dog so that he knows his place in the family. It is necessary to set some rules and boundaries for him so that he could not think himself like the owner of your house. If your dog knows his boundaries from very starting, he will be comfortable and a happy dog.

Minimize separation anxiety

Dogs usually have separation anxiety, and this is normal for dogs, so don’t get emotional or get stressed. When you go out and see your dog is feeling anxious, just give him some treat and leave the place. Also, try to come back home earlier to make him happy. It is also not good to leave your Jack Russell for a long time.

Also, if you want to leave your home for a longer time, it is good to find a good daycare for your dog so that you don’t have to worry about his food and shelter.

