Crucial Questions you Need to Ask Before Choosing an Immigration Lawyer

4 min readMay 17, 2022


It goes without saying that immigration is a complicated and perplexing process. That is why having a good immigration lawyer is critical. However, selecting the best one can be equally confusing.

Continue reading if you’re beginning to wonder how to find an immigration lawyer or how to select best immigration solicitor for you. We’ll walk you through the eight most crucial questions to ask your lawyer before you sign anything.

How long have you been practising?

Most immigration solicitors are expected to be well-versed in all rules and regulations governing immigration status changes, applications, and legalities. They should also be aware of new legislation, policy changes, and any other relevant information pertaining to customer and border law.

Years of relevant experience are important because they will make a big difference if your lawyer must represent you in court.

Many people prefer to hire immigration consultants. Consultants, on the other hand, are not allowed to represent you in court and do not have the power to contest a motion if your case is denied unfairly.

Immigration lawyers must successfully represent you and have the necessary experience to understand your case.

How Likely Am I To Be Approved?

No one can be certain that their immigration application will be approved. A good immigration lawyer understands this and will be upfront with you about your chance success.

If your prospective immigration lawyer assures you that you will be successful, they are most likely deceiving you. The best immigration lawyers will not have to lie to win your business, so you might want to look elsewhere.

Depending on the amount of experience of the immigration lawyer, he or she should have a good idea of your chances of success or failure. A realistic and honest assessment of your case will increase your chances of correcting errors and seeking solutions and alternatives..

What Timeline Can I Expect?

Your lawyer has no way of knowing how long your application could take. They should, however, be able to provide you with a reasonable timeline. Request a specific time frame and inform them that you will hold them to this.

What Fees Do You Charge?

Help with issues surrounding Immigration can sometimes be expensive.

You shouldn’t however be paying high, extra or unexpected fees.

Ask your lawyer about:

· The hourly rate or fixed fee you will pay

· How often you will need to pay i.e., weekly or monthly

· Incidental fees that may occur

Your lawyer should be totally transparent with you and should be happy to provide a comprehensive list of costs and explain what each one is for. Even if the cost may seem high, you certainly shouldn’t have to face unexpected, surprising costs.

What is the Best Application Route for Me?

There are numerous application possibilities. You may be qualified to apply for immigration rights such as trying to acquire citizenship as a result of your parent’s naturalisation.

There are lots of immigration options and visas available such as the Innovator Visa, Start Up Visa, Skilled Worker Visa, Temporary Worker Visa; the list is endless.

Ask your immigration lawyer about which options you could pursue. This tests their understanding of the immigration system.

What Cases Have You Handled That Are Similar to Mine?

The immigration process is not one-size-fits-all. Your case has unique considerations that your immigration solicitor should take into account. For instance, in your case, you could have:

• Business immigration

• Personal immigration

Don’t forget to inquire about the outcomes of such cases. A lawyer should be forthcoming about their track record, including both failures and successes. Their clients may well have been naturalised, obtained the desired visa, or faced deportation.

What Do They Need from You?

No matter how good your lawyer is, you will need to participate actively in assisting them with your immigration case. You should already be aware of the majority of the items and documents required to prove your criminal history and identity, but you must consult with your lawyer to see if there is anything else that might be useful.

They will be able to advise you about what information is required. This can arguably save you time and money in the long run. You should really discuss with them what kind of immigration visa you need. The sort of visa you have will have a bearing on how well things go.

What Are the Channels of Communication?

When dealing with cases like these, communication is critical. As a result, you should decide how and when you can converse with each other. The last thing you want to do is keep bothering your counsel with questions all day and night. The only effect of this is that your case will be delayed. Nonetheless, you should make sure that your lawyer stays in touch with you and keeps you updated at every stage of the process. Both parties will be satisfied, and everyone will understand what is going on. It is up to you both to decide on the actual channels of communication. Some law firms insist on sending everything via email, while others are more relaxed about taking phone calls.




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