How to Cite a YouTube Video APA 7th Edition: Expert Tips

Patricia White
4 min readJun 20, 2024


How to Cite a Youtube Video APA 7Th Edition

Do you want to know how to cite a YouTube video APA 7th Edition? It’s important to give credit to the creators of the content we use. This helps us avoid plagiarism and shows respect for other people’s work. In this article, I will explain how to cite a YouTube video using the APA 7th Edition format.

Why is Citing Important?

Citing sources is important because it helps us:

  • Show where we got our information.
  • Give credit to the creators.
  • Avoid plagiarism.
  • Provide readers with the sources to find more information.

What is APA 7th Edition?

APA stands for the American Psychological Association. They have created a set of rules for citing sources. The 7th Edition is the latest version of these rules. These rules help us format our citations correctly.

Steps to Cite a YouTube Video in APA 7th Edition

Here are the steps to cite a YouTube video in APA 7th Edition:

  1. Find the necessary information: You need the following details:
  • Creator’s name (or username)
  • Year the video was published
  • Title of the video
  • URL of the video
  1. Format the citation: The general format for citing a YouTube video is:
  2. Creator. (Year, Month Day). Title of the video [Video]. YouTube. URL

Example of a YouTube Video Citation in APA 7th Edition

Here is an example of how to cite a YouTube video in APA 7th Edition:

InVideo. (2021, April 15). How to create amazing videos with InVideo [Video]. YouTube.

Detailed Explanation of Each Part

Let’s break down each part of the citation:

  • Creator: This is the name of the person or organization that uploaded the video. If there is no real name, use the username.
  • Year, Month Day: This is the date when the video was published.
  • Title of the video: This is the name of the video. Use italics for the title.
  • [Video]: This indicates that the source is a video.
  • YouTube: This is the name of the website.
  • URL: This is the link to the video.
How to Cite a YouTube Video APA 7th Edition: Expert Tips

Special Cases

Sometimes, you might have to deal with special cases. Here are some examples:

1. No Author Name

If there is no author name, use the username:

Username. (Year, Month Day). Title of the video [Video]. YouTube. URL

2. Multiple Authors

If there are multiple authors, list their names separated by commas:

Author1, Author2, & Author3. (Year, Month Day). Title of the video [Video]. YouTube. URL

3. Very Long Titles

If the title is very long, you can shorten it, but make sure it still makes sense:

Author. (Year, Month Day). Shortened title of the video [Video]. YouTube. URL

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Here are some common mistakes to avoid when citing a YouTube video in APA 7th Edition:

  • Incorrect Formatting: Make sure you follow the correct format.
  • Missing Information: Ensure you have all the necessary details.
  • Wrong Date: Use the date the video was published, not the date you watched it.
  • Incorrect URL: Double-check the URL to make sure it is correct.
How to Cite a YouTube Video APA 7th Edition: Expert Tips

Using Tools to Help with Citations

Sometimes, it can be challenging to remember all the rules. You can use tools to help you create accurate citations. One such tool is InVideo. InVideo can help you create and customize videos easily. It also offers AI tools to boost productivity, such as generating scripts and converting articles into videos.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Cite A Youtube Video In Apa?

Cite the uploader’s name, date, title, and URL.

What Information Is Needed For Apa Citation?

You need the uploader’s name, video date, title, and URL.

How Should The Youtube Title Be Formatted?

Italicize the video title and use sentence case.

Is The Uploader’s Name Important In Citation?

Yes, use the uploader’s name as the author.


Knowing how to cite a YouTube video APA 7th Edition is important for giving proper credit to the creators. Follow the steps and tips mentioned in this article to create accurate citations. Remember to use tools like InVideo for an easier and more efficient workflow.

For more information on creating amazing videos, check out InVideo. They provide ready-made templates that you can quickly customize, even if you’ve never done it before.



Patricia White

Parenting blogger offering tips and advice for new parents.