Blue Cheese? In a Soup?

Emily Whalen
3 min readOct 19, 2022
a bowl of blue cheese tomato soup
Bacon doesn’t float well

I stared down at the recipe in shock. I just could not imagine blue cheese in any soup. Particularly tomato, but there it was in black and white: blue cheese and tomato soup.

Do you have the same love affair with tomato soup that I do? I don’t like tomatoes very much in general. Please do not put them in my salad or on my burger. But there is something magical about tomatoes once you break them down into a sauce. Salsa? Yes. Marinara? Yes! Tomato soup? YES!! Give me them all.

I also love that moldy little blue cheese! Drop it in charcuterie and I am the one eating it all night long. Do not give me ranch with my wings, I will only accept blue cheese. In fact, I might eat wings just for that tangy cheese!

So let’s just say while I was shocked at the blue cheese and tomato soup, I was 100% in. And it was delicious. We served it with toast, which I highly recommend. Here is my take on the recipe:


  • 3 lbs of tomatoes (I used Campari)
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced(I used bottled minced and I measured with my heart)
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1 leek, chopped
  • 1 carrot, chopped
  • 4 cups chicken stock (I used hot water and bouillion)
  • 3 tablespoons heavy cream



Emily Whalen

Writer. Artist. SEO Maven. Book Lover. Pop Culture Geek. Home chef. Wife. Mom. Cat Lady. Crafter. Witch. Xennial. Captain Marvel fanatic.