How to Become Authentic

2 min readMay 5, 2024


A polaroid me
  1. Acknowledge your lack of knowledge
  2. Be curious and kind
  3. Ask questions
  4. Make an effort to understand

Authenticity is truth.

In order to be true you have to understand.

In order to understand you have to ask questions.

In order to ask questions you have to be genuinely curious.

In order to be genuinely curious you have to realize that you don’t know anything.

The truth of the matter is that we really can never fully know.

The experience of inauthenticity is disheartened. Whereas there is something validating in the acknowledgement and expression of truth. Like, oh you saw that too? Glad to know it’s not just me out here.

I’m not sure where the real people are at. Which is scary. There’s so much uncertainty. There’s always the possibility of ulterior motives.

“Just be authentic”

I had this thought a few days ago. I’m disturbed by the thought of sharing my thoughts and reflections for the wrong reasons. Instead of giving into the inner tug-of-war, I just decided to keep moving and to just be authentic.

I think a major part of authenticity is showing up as much as yourself as you possibly can with intentions exposed.

If you’ve ever had the experience of lacking authenticity (I know I have), one reason might be because you’re hiding parts of yourself from yourself.

Take the previously mentioned 4 steps, slowly, and you’ll feel your emotional and mental layers begin to be removed. We all have some sort of coping mechanisms and sometimes they’re protecting us from truths that we’re not yet ready to accept.

Loving yourself well, produces a more authentic you 💜.

A major part of loving ourselves means listening to ourselves so that we discover what we need in order to feel loved.

