Emmy Hawa
2 min readAug 31, 2023

Just Typing My Thoughts…EP 10

Today’s post is about Appreciation and Contentment.

Come September 26th, I am turning 27 and my oh my, for some reason I’m scared but at the same time I have to embrace it so that I don’t miss the chance to live life and be 27 only once.

The past 26 years have been quite the rollercoaster.

Looking back, If asked if there’s anything I’d wish to redo, it would be that I’d love to remember to feel how it felt to be loved as a kid, instead of just being in my shell.

But at the same time, if it hadn’t happened that way, then I’d never have become who I am today, and who I become in future.

Deep down I know I love the way I do because of it, I care the way I do because of it, and I am who I am because of it. The good parts, the bad, the weird, all that mushed into one entity.

Me, Emmy Hawa, girl with the unique name that matches her unique personality.( not me tooting my own horn lol🎷🎷lol)

Back to the intent of the story.

Being content is what we are striving to achieve this coming year.

Being open to receiving love in the healthiest of ways we know how to.

Extending grace to ourselves, especially on days we mess up, days our hearts feel so heavy and it feels like we are the cause, on days the Imposter syndrome kicks up out of nowhere, on days you feel stagnated in your career, academics, love life, family life etc.

Remember to extend grace to yourself just as much or even more than you extend it to other people.

Be kinder, softer, more forgiving, loving to yourself and be selfish with it also.

To living in the moment, and allowing yourself to feel whatever it is you feel during those moments, to take in the air, whether it’s moist with pain or warm with love.

Appreciating the people you have in your life.

The ones you feel warm sharing life with.

Siblings, friends, family, strangers, loved ones.

I really believe in making an impact on the people I meet,whether at work, where I stay or social events. You never know what a simple show/act of care would do to someone or how at some point in their life, they remember you or an interaction with you and they smile.

Yes that smile is heartwarming.

My thoughts have really done a number on me today, lol.


Cheers to Late Twenties.( Boss Girl Era, its giving Bad bitch, its giving positive energy, its giving love, its giving growth).

Adios Lovely Reader.