4 min readAug 3, 2018


As we all know 21st century businesses are established on the internet. Both large and small scale businesses thrive successfully doing business online, but there is a major set back in that their stored digital data are vulnerable to hackers due to no cyber security of ineffective cybersecurity. I trust that after going through this BUGLAB Project you will make smart decisions that will protect your investments.


It is evident that before the inception of internet/computing systems, organization store classified information in cabinets/shelves. These files are vulnerable to theft, damages or loss but after the invention of computers and internet, organizations begin to store these classified information on computers and internet, which is far easier to access and more secured than the later.

The emergence of cybercriminals (hackers) posses various threats to organization’s digital information. When these organizations are victimized by hackers, they loose huge sum of money, reputation, and trust from investors. Establishments spend endlessly to curb cyber attack as this possess threat to their businesses and a major challenge globally. The existence of BUGLAB will help companies globally to discover and fix vulnerabilities faced by organizations thereby protecting their digital assets.


In the quest for finding a lasting solution to cybercrime menace which have lead successful businesses to bankruptcy due to loss of digital assets, cybersecurity outfits made attempts but experienced some setbacks.

There are two traditional modes in which cyber security outfits combat cybercrime;

Penetration testing and bug bounties, the cost of running these tests are sky high, hence it is absolutely out of reach for small and medium scale enterprises.

In the penetration tests, clients are charged in terms of total billable hours irrespective of the test outcome. In essence, users are billed for every single hour it takes for their network to be tested regardless if they succeed or not. Also, the penetration test is been carried out by a maximum of two pentesters, in essence the client is left with the skillset and methodology of one or two pentesters, which is not healthy, as we all know the more tests your carryout, the more efficient and certain your results are.

In the bug bounty challenge,information security researchers are paid based on the number of uncovered vulnerability. The problem with this method is that the clients/establishments lack software development teams that would fix the uncovered vulnerabilities, after they have paid heavily for services rendered. BUGLAB will leverage on the ethereum blockchain network to proffer solution to the major problems faced by traditional cyber security outfit.


BUGLAB is an etheruem based ecosystem that is made up of cybersecurity researchers experienced in blockchain technology, software design and development.

The BUGLAB ecosystem has lots of certified cybersecurity pentesters and they are given incentives whenever they uncover system vulnerabilities.

A firm may experience login security issues, or they may want to run a check on their system network, all they need do is register with BUGLAB platform and request for a cyber penetration test.

The BUGLAB ecosystem would invite certified cybersecurity researchers for a pentest contest.

Efficiency and accuracy is achieved at the end of the test because lots of certified pentesters embark on this contest to identify vulnerabilities as compared to other cybersecurity firm that operate a traditional pentest with just two pentesters.

Furthermore, an indept analysis is being carried out to fix the uncovered vulnerabilities of the system network. One unique activity in BUGLAB is that there is a real time communication between the client company staff and the pentesters while the test is ongoing

The services of BUGLAB cybersecurity accommodates both small and large scale business due to the fact that it is affordable, efficient and result oriented.

All transactions in the BUGLAB ecosystem are paid with the BUGLAB token (BGL), also pentesters sre rewarded with the token.

The BUGLAB have a unique package called the Buglab Vigilante Protocol where by whitehats researchers have access to report system vulnerabilities of organisations that have not signed up with the BUGLAB platform, these organisations are invited to reward the whitehats for the uncovered flaws in their system.

BUGLAB cybersecurity services is a must need to business owners that operates in the cyberworld. Their cybersecurity Penetration Test services are affordable, result oriented and a strategic method of fixing uncovered vulnerability.

Currently their ICO Project is ongoing and it will be a smart move to partner with BUGLAB and experience absolute cybersucrity in your businesses.

For further details about the BUGLAB Platform and ICO Project, please visit these links below:


Ann Thread

Author’s Information:

Bitcointalk username: emmy2nelly

Bitcointalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2303956

