How To Obtain A Free Credit Report?

22 min readMar 12, 2019

How To Obtain A Free Credit Report?

Answer : I would recommend you to visit this site where you can compare from the best companies: http://SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET/index.html?src=MEDFEBeihe3Cahji5 .

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Should I rush to pay off my car loan?
Hey guys I wanted to get some opinions on how I should handle my road to rebuilding my credit and building my personal wealth. This is my current situation, I make about 40k-45k a year roughly. My total monthly expenses are about 1800 this includes all basic necessities, car insurance, rent, gas, food,electric, etc.I take home about 2400 a month. This leaves me with roughly 600 a month in play money. My car is a 69 month note at 18% interest :( payment of 370 a month. I calculated my total interest over the course of the loan and its around 10k if I pay the minimum. I have only a 1000 in savings and I’m prepaid on my rent for the next two months. If you we’re me what would you do rush to pay it off in 2 or 3 years? Or save my excess money for a rainy day. My long term goals are to purchase a home. Thanks alot. signed a 25 year old trying to build a good future :)””
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“How To Obtain A Free Credit Report?

I have recently filed for bankruptcy and need to refinance can anyone help me?
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Thanks, that is correct I intend to pay off the $7,000 with the amount I can borrow, which is $16,000 this year. Now that I read the letter again it seems there is a new laws making it even more lenient for students. I understand student loans are worst but I have no other choice. I already owe $190,000 in student loans. If I don’t do this I will never be able to get anymore loans, hence I will never be able to graduate. Owing that much money and not getting any more loans to help me get the degree would be suicide.””
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Senior citizen has bankruptcy question.?
I have 2 mortgages and a sheriffs lien on my home which I can not pay. My house burned down due to an accidental electrical fire a couple months ago. I cannot ever live in that house again due to the trauma, my pets died and all my belongings except the clothing on my back were destroyed.( I was about to list the house for sale when the fire happened). The homeowner insurance has arrived on a figure to rebuild the house. If I sell it after that I will not make a profit. I will be lucky not to have it be a short sale or to have it foreclosed on, in fact. I will see none of the rebuild money, it is held in escrow and disbursed to the contractor as he makes the repairs. I am living in a hotel paid by the loss of use section of my policy. I literally own nothing except a 14 year old car I drive. The insurance company will give me depreciated value on my household belongings (no figure has been arrived on yet).. If I declare bankruptcy, will this money be exempt from a bankruptcy? A figure has not been decided on but I have to pay a private insurance adjuster from my personal contents money. If I have some left, will they take it in the bankruptcy? If they did I would have no money to start over again after I have to move from the hotel. I have no investments or savings. I cannot at this point even afford a consultation with a lawyer.. SO any help you could give me would be very much appreciated. Thank you.””
“”Visa Signature cards, bad for credit score?””
Hi Im thinking of applying for a Chase Freedom card I was pre-approved via mail offer. When reading the fine print I see that [I will] first be considered for a Visa Signature Card. If you do not quality for that product, you will automatically be considered for a Visa Platinum card. I understand that different between Visa Platinum and Signature is mainly the issue of how credit limit is defined. In the Visa Signature Card credit limit is more ambiguous and less straightforward than having a good old fashion credit limit of predetermine numerical value. My main issue is how activity will be reported to the credit companies. From what I gather online (yes I did a little research) Visa Signature Cards dont report a credit limit and thus mess with your FICO score. Whereas Visa Platinum Cards always reports your credit limit giving a clearer picture of your entire credit limit. So heres the question why do people get Visa Signature Cards if they dont fully report your credit limit to the credit companies? And how are FICO scores determined with theres no known credit limit. Please use recent sources. I promise I will visit any sites provided. Thx””
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Auto Loan no credit half down?
I want to get a 2012 chevy 3500hd its a $40,000 vehicle I have $20,000 saved I was wondering I have no credit if a car dealer would work with me. Or if you have any advice would be much appreciated.””
Improve my Credit score?
Can you please tell me if I have to pay off the balance once it shows up on my activity or leave the balance on the credit card until the statement cycle and then pay in full when I get the statement in the mail? Which way will I be able to improve my FICO score?
Bad credit personal loan?
ok i have bad credit, and i NEED a personal loan to consolidate my credit cards…..i keep getting denied bc my credit score sucks…..what do i do now???””
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What is the best 48-month auto loan rate in the bay area?

“”If I have no credit, and my parents have bad credit, and i have no other cosigner, are there any loan companys””
who don’t do credit checks, or credit isn’t needed so I can get a student loan to pay for college?””

What is a credit score?
Hello, the lyrics in this song says: Can’t find nothin’ cheaper than my credit score “””” What is a credit score? Here is the song: and here are the lyrics: thank you for your help :)””””””

Ordering Domino’s Pizza Online?
I heard by only credit card. But I believe you can pay by any feature is this correct. Cash.Check.Gift Card?
“”I am on welfare and owe almost owe $10,000 in credit card bills, can take money from my welfare check?

How can i get out of my payday loans?
hi im kenji and im 22 yrs old… i used to be a compulsive gambler but ive been in the gamblers anonymous program for the past 2 weeks now… i got a total of 7 payday loans, two of which have open interest… what should i do to pay them off? do you know something that will lend me a big sum of money and pay them off monthly.””
Is it better to buy Bike on credit card or by Taking Loan.?
I gotta Buy a bike. which is d best option Credit card or Opting for a Loan
Paying on a cruise ship?
I am taking my first cruise the beginning of June with my boyfriend. This is a somewhat last minute thing (we have been planning it for about two months now and it leaves May 27, I consider it pretty last minute!) We have not yet bought our cruise tickets, are planning to do that within the next two weeks, but I do have a few questions as I have never cruised before. I understand you have to supply the cruise with a credit card when you board, which they then run through for an approval of amount to see how much you can spend per day or throughout the entire week. I have heard that they take this amount as a deposit. Is this true? If so, if I have a credit card with a $1000 limit and they approve, say, $800, are they going to take that from me leaving me only with the $200 left on it to spend and holding that $800 for security, or am I using the $800 they took? Can I use a debit card instead of a credit card for this, if so, how does this work? I am asking because I do not have a credit card. Never opened one up, simply because I pay for all my purchases cash or debit card in full. I save until I can afford something rather than making payments. Should I go through the trouble of opening one up just to get some extra spending money? I have no credit so would probably not be approved for very much unless I gave in to an incredibly high interest rate, but honestly this trip is to have fun, so I’m okay with spending now and paying a lot later (especially seeing as it would be building up my credit). Also — I know it is always good to carry cash. How much is a steady amount to have on hand? $200, split between ones, fives, tens and twenties? I have also been told to have some foreign currency on me for taxi or anything needed, but seeing as we are going to four different places (Haiti, Cozumel, jamaica and cayman) would I go through the trouble of getting currencies for all of the countries? (Forgive me if they use the same currency, I’m not too up to date on how they pay!) I understand this is a lot of questioning, I just want to be prepared! Easy points for somebody who has cruised before! It is Royal Caribbean also, if that information is needed.””
“How To Obtain A Free Credit Report?

Whats the process of auto loan settlement?
I have been behind on my auto payments and have negotiated a settlement with my finance company to pay a lump sum for the title on the vehicle. If my settlement proposal is accepted, what steps do I need to take to: 1. Make sure that the lump sum paid to settle the loan will not just be applied to back balance due on the vehicle. 2. What contract if any can I come up with to protect myself from any further responsibility on the loan.””
Does anyone no of a loan Company that will give loans out with bad credit?
Thank you for the responses. I am from the UK so i most probally have to be a lender form the UK. Thanks
How can I establish credit when I can’t get a credit card or even a storecard?
I am trying to establish credit (without having to go to a bank and take a out a loan. I hate going through all of that.) but I can’t get a credit card, let alone a storecard.I have a job I’ve been at for 3 years, and haven’t gotten a single credit/store card but my sister, who is umemployed, got 2 and was able to get a free phone from Altell!!! Can anyone help me? (Serious answers, please???)””
Is there a place people can look up who has filed bankruptcy?

Whats the best way to remove a late payment from your credit score?



If I refinance my auto loan will my credit score go up?
Seems to me it should cause ur paying off one loan and opening another
Will my student loan balance grow in a Chapter 13 bankruptcy?
We have a confirmed Ch 13. I would like to ask our attorney to file a motion to pay our student loan outside of the plan,instead of within the plan. Initially when we filed the plan, the attorney’s office file the loan as a priority claim. The trustee said no, it is unsecured. This means that Sallie Mae will get just a few dollars each month, not enough to cover our monthly payment or interest, but because it’s a student loan it will not be considered discharged when we complete our payment plan. The logic the courts have used is besides me on this one- it can’t be considered priority and non-dischargeable, but it should be considered unsecured with special status and is still non-dischargeable. It makes no sense for the debtor. Will the interest continue to accrue on this loan while we are in our payment plan? It seems wrong, and goes against the whole point of the US bankruptcy protection code, to owe this debtor MORE after our bankruptcy discharge than we did going into the plan. Can we file to exclude this debt from our plan and pay it separately?””
What is my gross income — self employed?
From a bank’s perspective reviewing my loan application what would be my gross annual income. I am a self employeed person. My revenue — $5000 My profit — $2000 So whats my gross annual income?
What does the reaction rate indicate about a particular chemical reaction?

Can a person who is here in australia claim bankruptcy if they are from another country?
can you claim bankrupstcy if you are in debt in australia with there money and still go back home to your own country if it is permitted or do they have to stay
Tax Question-paying home loan for someone else?
Mary’s Mother defaults on a home loan and Mary pays $600 in loan payments, including $175 in interest. Mary is not legally obligated on the loan. What amount, if any, may Mary claim as an itemized deduction for 2008? I know that Mary can’t deduct the interest, but can she deduct the $600, or no? I put the answer as no deduction, but I’m not sure, would she be able to deduct the $600 she payed for some else’s home loan?””
Is TV the best invention?
please help me…. I need to write a essay about Is TV the best invention?”””” please tell me 3 major support and 3minor support. ans some examples… please T_T””””””
“”I want to get a credit card, but don’t know which one…?””
I currently have no line of credit and want to get a credit card. I don’t know where to begin, so any advice on a good beginning credit card would be great! How much credit should I expect to initially receive?””
If i buy porn online with my debit card will it show on the statement?
I know some may say eww and I’m not helping if u don’t like the question leave all I want to know is if I buy it I know it. will it show how much money was taken out which is $1 dollar a month but will it say the porn name and everything I’m asking because I have my own debit card but my dad has a linked account. he doesn’t care what I use the money but for something like this maybe anyway bottom line I need to know if it will show thanks a lot
Can my auto loan company charge me for not having insurance for a month 3 months after it happened?
I didnt have insurance for the month of april and In August they charged me insurance for April. I asked the rep. if i would have had an accident in april would they have payed for it , she said no. How can they charge me for a service they didnt provide?””

If i get a $100 payday loan with a $15 fee and apr od 391% what will i pay back after my paycheck?
Well i havent gotten the loan yet i wanted to see the amount i would have to pay back first.
What is the best place to do debt consolidation?

Can I get approved for an auto loan with not so great credit?
I’m in harrisburg pennsylvania & I don’t have good credit..I’m looking to get an auto loan maybe for $6000…where can I go that they will give me a chance?!
“”I am thinking of declaring bankruptcy, I owe over $100K on credit cards and personal loans, have no assets?””
I’m Australian by the way, there’s different laws here to America.””
Does anyoe know of a website where you can view whats in your credit report in detail?
I use to monitor my credit score, but you can’t monitor the details of what’s actually in your report and affecting your score either positively or negatively at the time. I know there is a site you can go to for free and view these things, and even find a way to dispute whatever has been paid off, yet still listed on the report, but it’s been so long that I can’t find the website again. Can anyone help? Thanks!””

How can I get my FICO credit score free?
Is it possible to learn my FICO credit score for free on line? is not free. You have to make a purchase.
“How To Obtain A Free Credit Report?

Is it possible to get a auto loan with this many miles?
I’m looking at a 2005 Chevrolet Malibu LS — $6,975–117,854 mileage car. Here’s the problem, I’m only 19, I have no co signer. I work 30–40 hr every wk, making $7.80 an hour. Plus I make tips but our company doesn’t make you report them. So, I guess that doesn’t matter. Anyway, I’ve tried everything besides an actual bank. I feel hopeless bc I have no one to co sign and I don’t have any credit. I live at home, I have no bills.. I could def afford a car payment. Someone told me my chances would be better if I had a down payment to put on the loan. I’ll have $1,000. I also need to ask for a smaller amount loan, obvi but I can’t find a cheap car with low mileage. I know the one I’m looking at is high mileage, but I can’t find a better deal anywhere. Please help””
Mention the best payday loan company?

Who is the cheapest Bankruptcy lawyer in Milwaukee?
I am looking to file Chapter 7 and as the situation stands I’m looking for an inexpensive lawyer to do this. I have gotten quotes from $1300-$1700, is there anyone that does the filing for less?””
Credit score of 697?
Also, I heard the more credit card offers you get in the mail… the better your credit is. Is that true?””
Question about Bankruptcy and Liabilities?
How come bondholders and not preferred shareholders have partial ownership of new GM?
How much does it cost to start bankruptcy if i am eligible?
i lost everything and i could not ever get a job. I had credit cards and they all went bad. I know bankruptcy means no credit and i can not buy, but i need a way to start over no matter how long it takes. so how much would that cost does anyone know?””
“”I’m looking for a legit, safe, secure, no-faxing payday loans that I can get online?

Where do i go to check my credit for free?
I know that because of the Fair Credit Reporting Act i get to check my credit once a year from each of the three major credit bureaus. Today i tried the Experian web site and it was like i was getting the run around to get my free credit report. I finally found something, but i filled in all the info and press continue; they were trying to charge me $14.95. A little help please. I heard a couple horror stories about that (the one with the guy singing playing the guitar on tv) so i don’t want to try that one.””
Best tenor saxophone reeds for marching band/pep band?
I’m learning tenor saxophone and am going to be playing it for pep band/ marching band in high school. I’m on 2.5 reeds, which brand/kind of reeds would be best for playing marching band?""

Student loan for UK student studying abroad?
I want to study in Canada and I assumed that I would be able to get student loans as any other UK citizen but I have heard from some that I cannot, whereas from others I have heard that I can. On student finance wales I used the loan calculator and selected non-UK institution, and it concluded that there is not enough information”””” to calculate my entitlement. On student finance direct (the slc for england)””
I need Pro Bono Help For A Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?
I may need to fill chapter 13 bankrupt. Someone told me that I can get maybe help from a seniour law student at Columbia or NYU (at least for consultation). Do anyone know where should I call? How possible this is? I am kind of desperate? Thank you
“”If i have 17,000 annual income, how much could i get approved for a mortgage?””
i am looking to buy a house, and from working i have an annual income of 17,000 from working. HOWEVER…I am starting to do an online thing that pays me big bucks but i just started a week ago and if i suddenly obtain 50,000 from that, how should i figure that into my annual income?””
Does APR affect my monthly payment on a mortgage loan?
I know that APR is higher than simple interest rate, becuase they add cost of borrowing, etc. What I am not sure about is, how do they calculate APR. Secondly, does a higher APR means higher montly payment? Or is it just higher upfront cost. Is the PMI included in the APR math? Please give an example, comparing 2 different loans with same simple rate, but differnet APR. Thanks””
Investing in a Roth IRA at 25 yrs old?
I am currently 25 yrs old and I plan on opening a Roth IRA. I live in Houston, TX and I have been told, via Suze Orman, to open it through a no load fund company (fidelity, vanguard, etc.) or a discount brokerage (ameritrade). Do you all have any recommendations as to which would yield a higher return over the course of my contribution years? Also, is there an option to have little to no control over the investment types similar to that of a 401k? Through Prudential Retirement they have this thing called Goal Maker and they pretty much oversee all investments. I m hoping the Roth accounts would have something similar. Thank you for your help and if you re in the Houston area and can provide further guidance, I would love it ! Thank you!””
After bankruptcy questions — jobs and renting?
I would like to know from some who have declared chapter 7 bankruptcy what their experiences were. Specifically about job applications and apartment rentals. I am a professional who is about to declare Chapter 7 but I am also about to start applying for a new job and am concerned that having it on my record may cause me to not get hired, and that I may not be able to rent an apartment if I do get the job and relocate. Would it be better to wait until I have the new job or do it before.””
I need financial advice?
i have 3 sons one who just graduated and 2 in school i see the 2 in school every other weekend and i am 14000 dollars in debt i am in college i also am disabled i am missing a vertebrate and need to know how to get out of debt other than filing bankruptcy please help i don’t want to loose my kids.
Why can’t we see our credit reports for free?
I know the free credit report sites are advertised, but even those you have to pay for in the long run. Why aren’t we entitled to see our reports for free?””
I would like to refinance my auto loan but dont know how it works?
I have a total balance after intersest of $17,000. The car cost $11,500. I have a 48 month loan. I would like to put about another $2,000 down. If I refinance would this lower the total balance owed if I get a lower intersest rate? I’am not looking to extend the payments longer than 48 months. I just want a lower interest rate and hopefully lower payments.””
Does salary advance affect home loan processing?
Hello, I have taken salary advance in my company and it is reflecting in my payslip. will it affect the loan process for home loan. Any banking personal kindly advice and what can i do to process the loan successfully.””
How much does it cost to go to bankruptcy.?
my dad is in deep debit and he want to go bankruptcy the second time its been 9years from the first bankruptcy AND THE SAME THING HAPPEN AGAIN and he was wondering how much does it cost to do that.
If my credit card expires 12/12 does it expire at the end of dec or the beginning?
oh and it says on the card good thru 12/12"”””””””””
Have you ever used a cash advance Payday Loan….?
If you did, what was your experience like and were the fees or interest high? Need advice fast please!””
Has anyone filed bankruptcy? what was your outcome and was it the best thing to do?

Can mortgage lenders tell if you owe irs and state taxes when you are applying?
none of that information regarding taxs is on my credit report
“How To Obtain A Free Credit Report?

