Emoon Embraces 0x

3 min readNov 12, 2018


We are excited to announce that Emoon Market now uses the 0x protocol for all transactions on the blockchain. This change in our infrastructure is a huge win for our users:

  • Increased Liquidity. Emoon will pull 0x orders from relayers such as Radar Relay. At present, we are consuming relayed orders for the following tokens: God’s Unchained Pass Tokens (PASS), Decentraland (MANA) and Etheremon (EMONT). As additional assets and relayers come on board that make sense for the Emoon marketplace, we will pull those relayed orders. By tapping into the 0x shared liquidity pool, buyers will be able to find the best price for a given asset and not be restricted just to orders placed on Emoon.
  • Off Chain Orderbook. Emoon listings will now be entirely based on 0x. This means posting a sell order is free and requires no gas costs. For sellers, this lowers the bar for creating listings. A seller can place an order with a shorter order duration, knowing that if it doesn’t sell, it costs nothing to place the order again.
  • Smart Contract Confidence. Users of Emoon can have confidence in the underlying infrastructure of the platform knowing that it is built on top of best-of-breed, audited smart contracts by one of the most respected companies in the blockchain space.
  • No Fees For Sellers Or Buyers. To encourage adoption of this new infrastructure, we have waived all buyer and seller fees entirely from the site.

The technical underpinnings for why we moved to the 0x protocol are explained below. Namely, the version 2 0x protocol paved the way for our migration to 0x. It brought three key features that were necessary for our migration:

  1. Ability to trade ERC721 assets. With 0x protocol v2, ERC721 assets (aka non-fungible tokens) are able to be bought and sold. Emoon supports buying and selling both ERC20 and ERC721 assets using the 0x protocol.
  2. No need for buyers to have WETH or ZRX tokens. With the 0x v2 Forwarding smart contract, buyers can use ETH to fill 0x orders. This innovation dramatically lowers the friction for a person to acquire assets from a decentralized marketplace like Emoon.
  3. EIP 712. Prior to EIP 712, the experience of creating a 0x signed order using common web3 wallets (Metamask, Trust Wallet) was sub-optimal, presenting the user with rather obtrusive security dialogs. With ERC 712, the user experience becomes much friendlier.

At Emoon, we have built a peer-to-peer marketplace that combines the power of decentralized exchanges with the simplicity of a online store. If you haven’t tried our services, we invite you to buy or sell a crypto asset on the site. If you have used us, please try the new version built on top of 0x protocol. And if you are interested in having a crypto asset listed (either ERC20 or ERC721), please feel to submit it here.




Emoon is a peer-to-peer marketplace for buying and selling crypto assets realizing the vision of software that enables trustless, cross border exchange.