Introducing Emoon Market

2 min readJun 5, 2018


Launched in February 2018, Emoon Market is a decentralized marketplace for buying and selling crypto assets. It realizes the vision of software that enables trustless, cross border exchange of digital assets. Built on top of the Ethereum blockchain, its smart contracts have brokered thousands of successful transactions.

As the main secondary market for Ethercraft and Ether Goo, Emoon Market has proven the efficacy of facilitating atomic, micro-transactions through its smart contracts. This compelling use case can be applied to the emerging set of crypto collectibles and crypto games. Since it can support any fungible or non-fungible token, Emoon Market is positioned to handle other tokenized assets, including new game related assets as well as future opportunities in other tokenized assets.

Open Source, Verified and Tested Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are the lynchpin of decentralized exchanges and marketplaces. They are what makes trustless exchange and atomic swaps possible. As such, it is essential that the smart contracts be transparent, verified and tested on Ether.

There are links to the verified Etherscan source code next to every smart contract. This is important because it confirms that the source code you see on GitHub is in fact the same source code deployed to the Ethereum mainnet.

No Site Scraping

At Emoon, we only list assets that have been listed through our smart contracts. We don’t display, scrape or proxy to any other assets or smart contracts. As such, you can be sure that any buying or selling you do through our site goes through our smart contacts. Additionally, we work hard to honor and respect the terms of service of any digital assets that we offer on the site.

No Proprietary Tokens or Wrapped Ethereum

We don’t require use of any proprietary tokens on Emoon. All you need is ETH. This is by design. First, ETH itself is already so volatile that adding the votility of a proprietary token makes things that much worse for the buyer and seller.

We also don’t require you to wrap your ETH. All you need is ETH. Simple!

Transparent Fees

Our fees are baked into our smart contracts. As such, at any time, you can verify exactly what the fees are on the blockchain. We pull the fee from the blockchain and display it on our site. To verify that percentage, one can go to Etherscan’s “Read Smart Contract” to confirm.

Internationalized Versions

We currently have four languages localized:


We believe in the power of blockchains and the ability to create true P2P exchanges unlike anything that has been created before. Give our services a try and let us know what you think!




Emoon is a peer-to-peer marketplace for buying and selling crypto assets realizing the vision of software that enables trustless, cross border exchange.