Best Ways to Avoid Being Friend-Zoned by Your Ex

3 min readAug 28, 2024


I’ve tiptoed around the friend zone before, and trust me, it’s a slippery slope. First off, I learned to assess my feelings clearly — do I want this or just a buddy? Next, having that awkward but honest chat over coffee really helped clear the air. I also discovered that planning fun, unique dates (hello, pottery classes!) beats mundane catch-ups any day. Finally, setting boundaries and communicating our intentions was essential — no mixed signals, please! It’s amazing how a little clarity can brighten things up. If you stick around a bit longer, I’ve got more tips up my sleeve!

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Assess Your Feelings Clearly

When I first realized I’d feelings for my friend, it was like a light bulb went off — suddenly, steering our relationship felt a lot more complicated than just sharing snacks and bad jokes. I mean, how could I go from debating whether pineapple belongs on pizza to wondering if he felt the same butterflies I did?

I found myself analyzing every text, every laugh, even every awkward silence. Was that lingering glance just a friendly gesture? I started to overthink everything — like a detective on a mission, except my only crime was crushing hard.

It’s funny how feelings can turn a carefree friendship into a high-stakes game of emotional chess. But hey, at least I knew I’d to figure it out before one of us ended up in the dreaded friend zone!

Open Up Communication

Figuring out my feelings was just the beginning; now I’d to muster up the courage to actually talk to my friend about them, which felt like preparing for a first date but with way more at stake.

I mean, what if I blurted something ridiculous like, “I love your face!” instead of just being honest?

I decided to keep it casual, so I invited them for coffee — classic move, right?

As we sat there, I fumbled through my words, trying not to sound like a nervous teenager.

But when I finally said it, I felt a weight lift off my shoulders.

Opening up communication wasn’t easy, but hey, it’s better than living in a world of “what ifs” and awkward silences!

Plan Thoughtful Dates

Planning thoughtful dates is like being a chef in the kitchen; you’ve got to mix the right ingredients to cook up something special that shows you really care.

I remember one time I took my ex to a quirky pottery class. I thought I’d impress her with my artistic flair, but let’s just say my bowl looked more like a pancake! Still, with laughter filling the room, it turned into one of our best dates.

It’s about creating memories, not just checking off boxes. Whether it’s a picnic at that park where you had your first date or a spontaneous trip to an arcade, being thoughtful shows you’re invested.

Trust me, nothing says “I care” like an unexpected adventure!

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Set Boundaries and Intentions

After all those thoughtful dates, it’s time to make sure we’re both on the same page about what we want, because nothing kills the vibe faster than mixed signals.

I remember one time, I thought we were heading toward romance, but my ex casually mentioned how much she loved my “friendship.” Talk about a punch to the gut!

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