The Voice Behind The Silhouette

Emotionless Empath
5 min readDec 6, 2018


Photo by Meireles Neto on Unsplash

On any given Sunday, you can find me watching a podcast, yelling “I hate people” at my television. Then, on the following Monday, you can read my latest post that peels back the sugar coating that social media has tried to ram down your throats so that you can live a realistic life. So, why? Honestly, I don’t know.

I learned a long time ago that I couldn’t sit on the sidelines and watch someone waste their potential. I don’t bite my tongue very well, probably a good thing I walked away from a career in journalism, and I don’t pull punches. And yet, here I am weekly, giving unsolicited advice to whomever accidentally clicks on the link or is related to me. Now, if, said reader, actually takes anything from what I write and tries to apply it to their life, that’s great. But I know that for a few minutes I can tell myself that all the lectures I had to endure as a child were put to good use.

So what do I have to say? Usually, that social media is the spawn of all evil; society is based on how many “likes” it gets, and people care too much about what others think about them. But I say it with a twist of humor, a pinch of sarcasm, and a slap in the face of reality. Will you agree with everything I write? I hope not. Will it make you think and take a second look at how you are living your life or how you’re responding to your reality? That… that is my goal. And this is coming from a person that supposedly hates people. Let me rephrase; I don’t hate people, I firmly believe that most people don’t think for themselves anymore.

I didn’t realize how close I was to the truth until I watched a movie classic, The Incredibles 2. Don’t hate, you all know you cheered when Jack-Jack took on the raccoon. Anyway, back to my point. There is a point when the ScreenSlaver takes control and says…

Blah blah blah… stuff about superheroes… Ok, here it is,

“You don’t talk. You watch talk shows. You don’t play games; you watch game shows. Travel, relationships, risk; every meaningful experience must be packaged and delivered to you to watch at a distance so that you can remain ever-sheltered, ever-passive, ever-ravenous consumers who can’t free themselves to rise from their couches, break a sweat, and never anticipate new life.”

It’s kind of sad when a Disney movie hit the nail on the head. It’s even worse when no one realizes what was said or how accurate it is. Society is based on the trends of social media, not the people living life. Mainly, because no one lives without posting, tagging, tweeting or sharing their life anymore. But only the good parts. Then comes the part of society that is insecure and full of self-doubt because they believe everything they read on the internet. No one does anything for themselves anymore; no one is their own person, or genuine. Every picture and post on social media has been pulled through every filter SnapChat can provide, and if it hasn’t, they slap on a popular hashtag so they can make a statement.

Then, who am I? Am I #teamscreenslaver? Yes and no. While I do believe a lot of people live vicariously through their “friends” on social media, I also assume they can break free from their brainwashing and live as a functional member of society. It doesn’t matter what your past was, who your friends are, and what you want to do with your life. What does matter, is that you’re living every day with realistic expectations. And that is where I come in. I don’t know your story; I don’t know you… so why should you listen to me? Mainly, because you don’t know me. At the end of the day, what I have to say is unbiased towards you personally and is only worth the amount of energy you put into reading my words. Besides that, you can either take it or leave it. However, the words I write are not going to be your typical #motivationalmonday fluff. They will be raw, authentic and force you to take a different perspective than the one you’ve been using. If you’re looking for a frilly sugar coated writer that will tell you to follow your dreams and they will all come true, well… you clicked on the wrong profile. Though, if you are looking for something that won’t stroke your ego, tell you how it really is and doesn’t pull punches, then welcome to the world of the Emotionless Empath.

The Emotionless Empath? Sounds a little condescending or empty? Not really. I was gifted this title after Avengers Infinity War when I was the only person not sobbing. Oh, snap! Too soon? Anyway, as I was sitting there watching grown men and women balling their eyes out, my friend looked at me and said, “You see everything, you take in everything, give the best advice, but yet you show no emotions. You’re like an emotionless empath.” Thus, the silhouette was created. Back to the question at large, why should you continue reading? Essentially, if you’re still reading at this point, something I’m saying is keeping your attention.

Is it my rainbow and unicorn personality? Probably not. Is it my soft and angelic good looks? Only if a faceless purple silhouette is your thing. Presumably, it’s that what I’m saying is striking a nerve, either good or bad, and you see the truth behind my words. I can’t promise that I can change your life or rid you of overwhelming pain and suffering. What I can guarantee is that I will shed light on alternative approaches to what has not been working for you up to this point. Don’t expect overly glitterfied motivation or coddling, but expect to be forced to think. If you accept my offer, then I see a beautiful life in our future.

