Emily Motzkus, Ph.D.
3 min readJul 17, 2017

Royal Prerogatives + Accepting Your Worthiness — What I’ve Been Learning from Billionaires.

What if you finally just accepted your ultimate value? What if you believed whole-heartedly that you were enough, just the way you are?

What if you trusted, in every moment, that no matter what weird thing flew out of your mouth, or what zit you had you had on your forehead, or what person just dumped you, EVERYTHING was in perfect order and always working out for you?

These are some questions I’ve been asking and experimenting with the last 6 months as I try to find my footing in a new job. Things are still hazy; I’m not quite sure how to show up, how to provide the most value, how to speak a language I’ve never spoken before. Business.

I get sweaty. My inner mafia mind gets chatty. Sometimes I even forget my ideas.

But as I share afternoons with people far more powerful and influential than I, I have learned one thing:


As I connect into my wholeness, l listen, I observe, and respond moment by moment. I start to find my flow, my breathing eases. The answers to my problems crystallize, and one thing is for sure — Billionaires don’t give a shit what you think of them. THEY BELIEVE THEY ARE KINGS regardless. But here’s what’s pretty cool — the good ones, think WE ALL SHOULD BE ROYALTY TOO.

So, I’ve been taking their advice and doing this meditation late at night where I dethrone my fears, insecurities, worries and place myself at the center of it all. I crown myself with the premise that I am ultimately worthy.

Words and advice inspired by that Emily below:

Your kingdom is waiting. Pick your counsel. Pick your people. Praise your beauty, strength, and power.

Build a throne in your honor. Adorn.

Sit. Luxuriate in your light. Walk your garden. Wet desire.

Castle your rarity. Bathe in infinity. Kneel at your altar. Anoint and worship your soul.

Venerate your visions. Revere your pulse. From a gold cup drink unconditional love for yourself.

Nourish your passions and compassion. Compare to no one and breathe your air. You are the heir of your future. The heir of your care.

Go to war with your limits. Moat your damn fears. You are The Monarch, The High Priestess, The Emperor and The Empress, The seer.

Swallow your sunlight, spark your fuse, blow your barricades and shield your play. Keep allegiance with your holiest affections. Like a royal warrior armor your deepest intentions.

Crown only your highest ideals. Know your nobility was given at birth and you, the successor of the entire universe.

Rule your oceans. Lap up your waves. Take yourself to paradise and stay for days. You are a kingdom unto yourself. You are your best counsel. Jester the judgments of someone else.

Enrobe your dreams. Disrobe your love. Grant yourself to receive whatever it is you need.

Much love to you, xo
