Mastering JavaScript: A Deep Dive into the ‘Undefined’ Keyword Everything You Need to Know

Emperor Brains
4 min readJan 4, 2024



JavaScript is renowned for being a dynamically typed programming language, relieving developers from the burden of explicitly specifying data types for variables or return types for functions. Unlike many other programming languages, JavaScript determines these details at runtime, facilitating a more flexible coding experience. Notably, developers are not required to provide initial values during variable declarations, leaving the language to decide these values dynamically. In such cases, the default value assigned is ‘undefined.’

This article delves into the intricacies of the special keyword ‘undefined’ in JavaScript, addressing fundamental questions such as: What exactly is ‘undefined’? What is the data type associated with ‘undefined’? How does JavaScript assign ‘undefined’ to variables, and how does this impact function expressions?

By exploring these aspects, readers will gain a comprehensive understanding of the role and implications of ‘undefined’ in JavaScript, enhancing their proficiency in handling variables and functions within the language.

The explanation you provided about undefined in JavaScript is accurate

what does the ‘undefined’ signify?

The explanation you provided about undefined in JavaScript is accurate. In JavaScript, when a variable is declared but not initialized with a value, the special value is automatically assigned undefined. This indicates that the variable exists, but it hasn't been given a specific value yet.

It’s important to note that undefined is a primitive value in JavaScript and also a global variable. Developers can use it explicitly to assign the value undefined to a variable if needed, but in most cases, it's automatically assigned by the language.

Your code example demonstrates how JavaScript handles defined and not defined variables. When a variable is declared but not defined, attempting to use it results in a ReferenceError because there is no memory space allocated. On the other hand, a variable that is defined but not assigned a value will have the default value of undefined.

let name;
console.log("output before initialization: ", name);
name = "EmperorBrains.";
console.log("output after initialization: ", name);
console.log(“output for not defined variable: ”, fullName);
Output of undefined for non initialized variable, after the value added and not defined variables.

In function expression, it works a bit different. In here the function call needs to be made after the function expression, otherwise you will get an error as shown in the below code block. You’ll get a ‘ReferenceError’ which says it can’t access the function.

const fullName = () => {
Output of undefined for function call of a function expression

It all happens due to a concept called hoisting in JavaScript. The hoisting in the JavaScript is a process to move the variable declaration and function declaration on top of the JavaScript file and assigns the default value during memory allocation phase. The JavaScript assigns ‘Undefined’ to all the variables created using different keywords such as: let, var, const.

Data Type of ‘Undefined’:

The data type of ‘Undefined’ is a primitive data type. It does not have any methods, properties or any object assigned to it.

Typeof ‘Undefined’: The typeof operator in JavaScript help developers to identify the data type of a variable. Here the typeof for the ‘Undefined’ returns ‘Undefined’ as an output since it’s a primitive data type.

console.log("typeof of undefined: ", typeof undefined);
Output for typeof undefined

Confusion with ‘null’:

The confusion of ‘Undefined’ happens with the null when we try to do comparison of both of them. If we try to do a loosely comparison using ‘==’ equals to operator it will return true. The major reason behind is that both the keywords are used in the JavaScript to denote no-value but the ‘Undefined’ is used and given by the JavaScript itself and developer must not prefer this to use to denote no-value of a variable. While the keyword null is used by the developers to denote no-value for the variable. If we do strict comparison using ‘===’ triple equal to operator, it will give false since the typeof null returns Object while typeof undefined is undefined.

console.log("undefined without strict check null: ", undefined == null); // true
console.log("undefined with strict check null: ", undefined === null); // false
console.log("typeof undefined: ", typeof undefined, " typeof null: ", typeof nul); // undefined object

Mastering JavaScript’s ‘Undefined’: A Deep Dive with Emperor Brains

understanding the ‘undefined’ keyword in JavaScript is crucial for developers. This article explores its role, emphasizing its automatic assignment to uninitialized variables. The primitive nature of ‘undefined’ and its global variable status are highlighted, with a cautionary note on potential confusion with ‘null.’ The discussion on hoisting adds depth, revealing how it impacts function expressions.

For more insightful content on programming and web development, visit Emperor Brains at This deep dive into JavaScript fundamentals reflects the company’s commitment to providing valuable knowledge for developers, contributing to the tech community’s growth.

