Existentialism in Modern Society: Generation of Freedom and Self-Discovery

4 min readSep 29, 2023



Existentialism, a philosophical movement that emerged in the 20th century, continues to resonate with individuals in modern society. It emerged as a reaction to the perceived absurdity and meaninglessness of modern existence. In essence, it represents a rebellion against traditional norms, advocating for a new approach to survival in a materialistic world.

It’s a way of life, that emphasises individual freedom, free will, and the projection of traditional values. In today’s increasingly complex and fast-paced world, existentialism offers a lens through which we can examine our existence, identity, and choices.

To understand existentialism, one must explore the influences that gave rise to this unique philosophy. Themes of negation, refusal, denial, and the recognition of life’s absurdity are central to existentialism. Existentialists reject societal norms and values that they see as inhibiting human freedom.

The Absurdity of Modern Life

Existentialist thinkers like Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus often referred to the concept of “the absurd” to describe the inherent irrationality of life. In our modern society, this sense of absurdity can be heightened by the overwhelming volume of information, the rapid pace of technological advancement, and the constant flux of societal norms. Many individuals find themselves struggling with questions of identity, purpose, and the pursuit of happiness in a world that seems increasingly chaotic.

Zoomers face a paradoxical situation where the digital world offers unprecedented opportunities for connection and the potential for isolation. The constant cycle of curated content, comparison with idealized online personas, and the pursuit of viral fame can create a sense of absurdity. Existentialism teaches our generation to recognize this absurdity and find meaning in authentic, offline connections and self-discovery beyond the digital realm.

Existentialism encourages us to confront this absurdity head-on. Instead of seeking refuge in religious or societal dogmas, existentialists advocate for embracing the uncertainty and acknowledging that life’s meaning is a blank canvas upon which we must paint our own purpose. In the modern context, this means recognizing that the pursuit of external validation, material success, or conformity to societal norms may not provide the ultimate answers we seek.

Freedom and Responsibility

The concept of freedom has been a fundamental issue in human civilization since its inception. The question of whether freedom is absolute or subject to state control has been a relentless debate.

Existentialism places a heavy emphasis on individual freedom and the responsibility that comes with it. In a world where technology and social media offer unprecedented access to information and opportunities, individuals often struggle with the paradox of choice. Existentialism encourages us to embrace our freedom while taking responsibility for our decisions. This means making choices that align with our authentic selves and values, rather than succumbing to societal pressures or external expectations.

Unfortunately, freedom comes with anxiety and despair. The awareness of one’s vulnerability and the responsibility for one’s actions can be intimidating. However, existentialists view these feelings as essential steps on the path to true freedom.

Authenticity and Individuality

In the existentialist worldview, humans create their own reality by directing their lives and defining their values, free from societal influences.

Existentialism celebrates the concept of authenticity — being true to oneself. In modern society, where conformity and the pursuit of external validation can be pervasive, existentialism encourages us to explore our own unique identities and values. It calls us to question the roles we play and the masks we wear in our daily lives.

As technology and social media shape our identities and interactions, it becomes increasingly important to distinguish between our authentic selves and the curated personas we present to the world. Existentialism invites us to engage in introspection, to confront our fears and anxieties, and to embrace the inherent ambiguity of existence. By doing so, we can discover our true selves and live in accordance with our own values rather than the expectations of others.

Embracing Uncertainty

The digital world is in a constant state of flux, with evolving platforms, algorithms, and trends. We often experience uncertainty about the future, both in terms of their own lives and the broader societal implications of technology. Existentialism teaches them to embrace this uncertainty as an integral part of life and to find meaning in the ongoing journey of self-discovery, adaptation, and growth.

In the digital world, individuals are often presented with the task of curating their online personas and deciding how they want to be perceived. Embracing uncertainty in this context means recognizing that online identities can be fluid and that individuals have the freedom to shape them according to their authentic selves.


Existentialism’s relevance in modern society lies in its ability to provide a philosophical framework for navigating the challenges and complexities of our time. In the face of technological advancements, societal changes, and the relentless pursuit of progress, existentialism invites us to pause, reflect, and make deliberate choices that align with our deepest values and aspirations. It reminds us that, that we have the power to create our own meaning and shape our own destinies. Existentialism, as a philosophical guide, encourages us to live authentically and find purpose in the very act of living.

My generation immersed in the digital age, face a unique set of challenges and opportunities. The paradox of the digital world, with its potential for both connection and isolation, parallels the existentialist notion of absurdity. It prompts us to reflect on the authenticity of our online personas and the pursuit of genuine connections beyond the digital realm.

Ultimately, existentialism’s enduring relevance in modern society lies in its capacity to guide us towards a more authentic and meaningful existence. By applying its principles, both in the physical and digital realms, we can confront the challenges of our times with a greater sense of purpose, self-awareness, and the realization that, in embracing uncertainty, we have the power to shape our own narratives and find profound meaning in the journey of self-discovery and growth.

That’s it folks.


