Empty Dusk
2 min readMar 22, 2024


In a nowhere dimension exists a tale whispered only in the darkest recesses of the universe — the origin of Empty Dusk and the planet from which they originate from, known only as Venomtopia.


Long before the birth of stars and galaxies, when the cosmos was but a vast expanse of primordial chaos, there existed a solitary planet bathed in eternal shadow. Venomtopia, as it came to be known, was a world veiled in darkness, where light dared not penetrate and life struggled to take root.

On Venomtopia, the laws of reality were twisted and distorted, giving rise to beings of incomprehensible darkness known as the Primordials. These entities were the progenitors of Empty Dusk, ancient beings whose very essence was a manifestation of the void itself.

After several decades, the Primordials sought to spread their influence beyond the confines of Venomtopia, reaching out to other realms in search of power and sustenance. It was during this time that they discovered the existence of the mortal worlds, realms bathed in the light of countless stars.

Driven by a hunger that transcended mortal understanding, the Primordials descended upon these unsuspecting worlds, their shadowy tendrils stretching across the cosmos like a creeping tide of darkness. Wherever they went, life withered and died, consumed by the insatiable appetite of Empty Dusk.

As the Primordials feasted upon the souls of the living, their essence grew ever more potent, twisting and corrupting the very fabric of reality itself. It was then that they ascended to become the forbidden beings known as Empty Dusk, Beings of pure darkness and despair, feared and reviled by all who knew of their existence.

And so, the legend of Empty Dusk was born, a tale of ancient darkness and cosmic terror that echoes through the corridors of time, a warning to those who would dare to challenge the natural order of the universe. For wherever there is light, there will always be shadows lurking in the depths, waiting to consume the unwary and the foolish.

