Red Square | Moscow | Russia

2 min readJan 15, 2023


The biggest and most well-known square in Russia is called Red Square. It attracts everyone who comes to Moscow.

Standing at Red Square, you can see the Kremlin, GUM department store, State History Museum, Lenin’s Mausoleum, and of course, St. Basil’s Cathedral, which are the most important structures in the capital. The 16th-century architects planted exquisite stone flowers in the form of the colourful domes, which are now blooming.

From here, all of Moscow’s main streets branch out. Moscow’s Red Square serves as the geographic and ideological hub of the country. From here, all of Moscow’s main streets branch out. Moscow’s Red Square serves as the geographic and ideological hub of the country. Few people know that Red Square has nothing to do with communism or Soviet Russia, despite its name. Red Square is referred to as “Beautiful Square” since the traditional Russian words for “beautiful” and “red” were the same.

Since Moscow’s new red-brick Kremlin was constructed in the 1490s, Red Square has served as the city’s central square. Since there were no natural barriers, such as rivers, to protect the fortification’s east side, it was at risk. Red Square was created when this area beyond the fortifications was cleared to make a shooting range. Here, traders came from all over the world to conduct business. A large market was created in The Square.

People flocked to Red Square to hear the news when public criers shouted the tsars’ decrees. Religious processions were held here on days of important church holidays, converting the area into an outdoor church.

Red Square’s significance survived the Revolution. Since Lenin’s Mausoleum was constructed close to the Kremlin wall, Red Moscow’s ideological hub was the Square. It has a reputation for being a venue for military parades. To create room for large military vehicles, the Tverskaya Chapel with the Resurrection Gates and the Kazan Cathedral were both destroyed. The destruction of GUM and Saint Basil’s Cathedral was intended. Fortunately, they were never implemented.

In 1987, a remarkable occurrence took place on Red Square. Mathias Rust, a German amateur pilot, made an unauthorised landing close to Red Square.

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