What is NLP ?

2 min readOct 13, 2022


Natural language processing (NLP) is a branch of artificial intelligence that helps establish, interpret and manage communication between computers and humans.

The most common NLP application fields

NLP is encountered in many applications that people use in their daily lives.

Some Examples;

Speech Recognition: Speech Recognition is a technology that enables the computer to convert voice input data to machine readable format. There are a lot of fields where speech recognition is used like, virtual assistants, adding speech-to-text, translating speech, sending emails etc.

Voice Assistants and Chatbots: Voice assistant is a software that uses NLP and speech recognition to understand voice commands of a user and perform accordingly. Similarly, Chatbots are programs that are designed to assist an user.

Auto Correct and Auto prediction: There are many softwares available nowadays that check grammar and spelling of the text we type and save us from embarrassing spelling and grammatical mistakes in our emails, texts or other documents. NLP plays an important role in those softwares and functions.

Email Filtering: With the help of text classification, an NLP technique, it categorizes all emails in Gmail into primary, social and promotional sections.

Sentiment Analysis: With the help of Natural Language Understanding (NLU) which is a subfield of Natural Language Processing, the machine is able to catch on to different sentiments that might be insisted on through the user’s command.

Through sentiment analysis, one can analyse customer reactions, handle social media disputes by eradicating negative comments and getting insights from the customer base of any business.

Reaching the target audience for advertising: Using NLP techniques, the keywords the user searches for are matched with the keywords of the product advertisement. If they are similar, the user gets an adv.

Translation: Online translation services provide communication between the computer and the user. Operations such as determining the language of the documents requested to be translated and translating them into different languages are realized within seconds.

