Let’s talk about a great NFT Card Game “Dark Galaxies” !

Hulki Hakyemez
2 min readMay 20, 2022


Greetings guys. Today I want to talk about a really interesting and valuable NFT game. The name of the game is “Dark Galaxies”. The game is a space game. There are 6 races operating in the game. There are 5 levels set for the rarity levels of playing cards (common, rare, epic, legendary, 3D). You come face to face with different people to battle in the game, and the rarity of the card in your hand is effective in winning the battle. There are 6 types of galaxies in the game and they are; It is listed as;

  • Human
  • Creature
  • Android
  • Jujari
  • Order of the Luma
  • The Dread

The common goal of all galaxies is to try to extract the rare mineral Duterium Refined (DTF) to feed war and transport ships. There are two tokens in the game and Duterium Refined (DTF) is one of them. The other token in the game is the Duterium (DTX) token. Players can choose to convert the DTF token to DTX to increase their mining capabilities in their territory. DTX and DTF tokens will be created on the EOS Blockchain and can be traded in DTX / DTF and WAX / DTX pairs. I liked the game very much and examined its whitepaper in detail. Tokenomics table, partners, number of tokens allocated to the team is quite reasonable. Early participation always pays more and I took my place in this world. I think you should join too!

Web Page: https://darkgalaxies.io/

Telegram, Discord, Twitter, Facebook community information can be found on the site.

Good game to everyone)

