Unbelievable Yet True! Eagles and Storks Engaged in a Lengthy Battle in Turkey in 1934

Did you know that in 1934, a remarkable event unfolded in Turkey where eagles and storks engaged in a battle that lasted for days?

Emre Turan
2 min readNov 21, 2023

The conflict began in June 1934 in Bursa, Balıkesir, Manisa, and Aydın provinces, as eagles targeted stork nests, resulting in fatalities and abductions of stork fledglings.

Despite the initial losses, storks, through secretive communication, managed to safeguard their young during subsequent attacks by the eagles.

Reports of eagle assaults on stork nests emerged from various locations, foreshadowing a larger-scale confrontation between the two species.

Hundreds of storks, seemingly coordinated, flocked to Aydın, while eagles gathered in the same area, hinting at an impending significant conflict.

In August, an incredible battle ensued in Aydın’s Menderes delta, where storks and eagles fiercely clashed in the skies, captivating the attention of locals and the press.

The eagles relied on powerful talons, while storks utilized their long beaks as their primary weapons in this battle.

The community supported the storks, providing aid to wounded birds, healing them, and sending them back to the battlefield.

The conflict continued for days, resulting in casualties on both sides, but reinforcements consistently replenished the combatants.

Calls for government intervention arose, yet the state remained uninvolved, allowing the conflict to resolve itself.

Ultimately, despite their strength, eagles were outnumbered and outorganized by the determined and organized storks, who gained the victory.

The aftermath of the battle attracted international attention, with publications like The New York Times covering the story closely.

Following the conflict, storks claimed dominance over the region, marking the absence of eagles in that area for years. The conflict even became a subject of study at the Air Force Academy, showcasing the tactics employed by these animals in aerial combat.

The Turkish Republic, just twelve years after the War of Independence, hosted another unique and compelling series of battles within its territory.



Emre Turan

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