Uncovering Ancient Work-Life: Excuses for 3,250-Year-Old Employee Absences in Egypt

Emre Turan
4 min readNov 1, 2023


This 3,250-year-old tablet found in Deir el-Medina, Egypt, dating back to 1250 BC, contains a list of reasons for workers not showing up for work during the period of Ramses II’s “40th Year.”

The registration of worker participation on the ostrakon covers 280 days of the year. On both sides of the ostrakon, there is a list of 40 workers’ names arranged in columns on the right side, and on the left side, dates are written in black horizontally. Most of the dates have a red word or phrase indicating why the person didn’t show up for work on that particular date. These excuses range from being “sick” to “working for the boss,” “brewing beer,” “mummifying their mother,” and even “being bitten by a scorpion.”

Although the list was compiled in the “40th Year,” the information it contains is likely from the previous year. It is believed that daily work records were initially noted on smaller ostrakons and later transferred to this larger record. Out of the 280 days covered in the records, only 70 were full workdays.

The most frequently recorded reason for absenteeism was illness, including “eye problems” and “scorpion stings” (mentioned over 100 times). The next most common situation was individuals performing special tasks for their bosses.

This rare document, on display at the British Museum, provides valuable insights into the daily life, working conditions, and social structure of the working class in ancient Egypt, offering a window into the distant past of a society and shedding light on their daily routines.

Front Side (Hieratic Script):

  1. Penduauu: Spring, 1st month, 14th day (Drinking with Khonsu)
  2. Hornefer: Winter, 2nd month, 13th day-17th day (With the boss)
  3. Hornefer: Summer, 2nd month, 10th day (Sick)
  4. Sawadjyt: Spring, 3rd month, 23rd day-24th day (With the boss), Spring, 4th month, 16th day (Daughter had her period), Winter, 1st month, 14th day-15th day (Offering to the god), Winter, 1st month, 24th day-25th day (Libation for father), 26th day-28th day (With the boss)
  5. Sawadjyt: Summer, 2nd month, 14th day (With the boss)
  6. Horemwia: Spring, 3rd month, 21st day-22nd day (With the boss), Winter, 2nd month, 8th day (Brewing beer), Summer, 3rd month, 17th day-21st day (Sick), Summer, 2nd month, 4th day (With the boss)
  7. Horemwia: Summer, 4th month, 4th day-7th day (Sick)
  8. Amennakht: Spring, 4th month, 15th day-17th day (With the boss), Winter, 3rd month, 18th day (Brewing beer), Summer, 2nd month, 4th day (With the boss), Summer, 3rd month, 7th day-8th day (With the boss), Summer, 3rd month, 24th day-26th day (With the boss)
  9. Wadjmose: Winter, 4th month, 23rd day (Daughter had her period), Summer, 4th month, 6th day (Building his house)
  10. Nebamentet: Hehnekhu: Summer, 1st month, 16th day-17th day (With the boss), Summer, 2nd month, 7th day-8th day (Mummifying his mother)
  11. Nakhy: Spring, 1st month, 14th day-15th day (With the boss)
  12. Nakhtmin: Winter, 1st month, 25th day (Libation), Winter, 2nd month, 7th day (Collecting stones for the scribe), Winter, 3rd month, 27th day (Wife had her period)
  13. Pennub: Spring, 3rd month, 21st day-24th day (With Aapehti), Winter, 2nd month, 7th day-8th day (Collecting stones for the scribe), 23rd day-24th day (With the scribe), Winter, 3rd month, 28th day (Brewing beer), Winter, 4th month, 24th day-25th day (Mother is sick)
  14. Aapehti: Spring, 3rd month, 21st day-22nd day-23rd day-24th day (Sick), Spring, 4th month, 7th day-8th day (Sick), 15th day-16th day (Sick), Winter, 1st month, 14th day (Offering to the god), Winter, 1st month, 17th day-18th day (Sick), Summer, 1st month, 27th day (Sick)
  15. Khaemtir: Spring, 3rd month, 21st day-24th day (With the boss), Winter, 1st month, 18th day (Brewing beer), Summer, 3rd month, 8th day (Sick)
  16. Amenmose: Winter, 2nd month, 8th day (Brewing beer)
  17. Anuy: Winter, 1st month, 24th day (Collecting stones for the scribe), Winter, 3rd month, 28th day (Brewing beer)
  18. Wennefer: Winter, 1st month, 14th day (Offering to the god), Summer, 4th month, 4th day (Offering to the god)
  19. Buqentuf: Winter, 1st month, 17th day (With the boss), Winter, 1st month, 18th day (Brewing beer), Summer, 2nd month, 6th day-8th day (Mummifying his mother)
  20. Manninakhtef Huy: Winter, 1st month, 17th day-18th day (Brewing beer), Winter, 2nd month, 17th day (Brewing beer), Winter, 3rd month, 27th day-28th day (With the boss), Winter, 4th month, 3rd day-8th day (With the boss)
  21. Huy: Winter, 4th month, 24th day-26th day (With the boss), Spring, 3rd month, 21st day-24th day (Sick), Spring, 4th month, 7th day-8th day (Sick), Winter, 1st month, 24th day (Sick), Winter, 2nd month, 8th day (Brewing beer), Summer, 2nd month, 8th day (Brewing beer)
  22. Paherypedjet: Spring, 3rd month, 21st day-24th day (With Aapehti), Spring, 4th month, 7th day-8th day (With Aapehti), 15th day-17th day (With Aapehti), Winter, 1st month, 14th day (Offering to the god), Winter, 3rd month, 25th day-27th day (Khons’ treatment), Summer, 1st month, 25th day-27th day (Treatment for the scribe’s wife), Summer, 2nd month, 2nd day-8th day (Treatment for the scribe’s wife), Summer, 3rd month, 3rd day (Khons’ treatment), 17th day-18th day (With Horemwia), 21st day (With Horemwia), Summer, 4th month, 24th day (Sick), Spring, 1st month, 15th day-16th day (?) (Sick)

source: arkeofili



Emre Turan

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