Emre Yeten
34 min readSep 29, 2023


Part 1


Even she was surprised by the short time between hearing a voice and hiding. Since that day when his father was about to die in his arms, she had been giving this reaction to every unusual sound he heard when he was alone.

When Mars entered the house, he found his sister hiding behind the kitchen table. “Don’t be afraid, it’s me. “No one can do harm to you while I’m around,” said Mars.

“That’s what my father said, brother. But, he couldn’t protect even himself…” she continued to cry.

“You need to go to the doctor, little sister. And tomorrow we’re going to visit the doctor together. “I don’t want any objections.”

3 years ago (2030)

Yasmin and her father were just finishing a quiet day. They continued their research despite the late hours of the night. Her mother had called them, as usual, to ask when they would be coming for dinner. In fact, they both knew that diner was a pretext. Her mother was a woman who did not prefer to eat alone and wanted to spend the whole 24 hours with her family if possible. She couldn’t exactly be called a housewife and she does not like to hear the word “housewife”. She both improved herself and constantly added innovation to her life. He created fascinating landscaping and design works and sought perfection in everything she did. This phone means that it was time to come home. But as usual, they would stay in the laboratory a little longer and at the second call, they would get ready and leave in a hurry. The second call had not come yet. There was no one else in the building except them. They heard the sound of the main hall door closing to the laboratory. It was not normal for someone to come at this hour. Security also did not call to saying he had visitors and asking for confirmation. As she came face to face with her father, gunshots were heard, which Yasmin would never forget and would never want to hear throughout her life. Three shots were fired. Yasmin felt no pain. When she checked his body, she realized that there was no bullet hitting him. When she raised her head, her father was about to fall to the ground covered in blood. Her scream, “Daddy, nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!” echoed throughout the building. When she activated the alarm system, a high-pitched sound covered the entire building. Although his father was seriously injured, he was alive.

Emir felt the entrance of the first bullet. However, he didn’t feel it coming out. The bullet that entered from the right rear and lodged in one of his ribs from the front was very painful. The second bullet entered and exited from his right arm. The third bullet grazed his left shoulder as he fell to the right side. He was slumped on the ground like a sandbag. Despite the pain, he did not make any sound. He just thought, “You couldn’t protect me this time, my friend.” When the alarm started ringing, Emir laughed with his last strength and said, “You are too late.” I am living the last moments of a beautiful life, he thought. He could feel the blood flowing in his body. He was starting to feel slightly cold. Even though he tried to stay as alert as possible, he was aware that he was about to faint. The last thing he remembered was his daughter’s beautiful face with wonderful smile which gave people peace.

Yasmin immediately tried to reach to her father when she thought the environment was safe. She had never seen so much blood in her life up to now. She tried to reach her father by crawling. The blood on the ground was causing her to slip. The distance, which lasted at most 3 seconds, seemed very long to Yasmin. 3 endless seconds, she thought to herself. She was aware that her father would soon faint due to blood loss. “Don’t worry, dad, I’m with you,” she said. However, she knew that he had fainted and could no longer hear her.

1 hour before the attack

“When you come to the door, don’t look up. There is a very well hidden high resolution camera in the top right. The door opens with a fingerprint scan.” The man, who was about to enter to the lab, was about to open his mouth when John silenced him. “If you have a little patience, I will tell you how to enter. Put on these gloves. It’s actually a fingerprint glove. You will open the door very easily this way. There will be no one in the laboratory at that hour. Security checks are performed 10 minutes before or after every hour. Follow the corridor and enter the glass partition with the fingerprint. There is another glass partition inside. You will get the data from the computer in this room and leave. Don’t touch or damage anything else. It will take 30 minutes at most. Actually, you don’t have any extra time.”

“Why are you betraying the place you work for?” asked the thief

“It’s not exactly treason. I want to get what I deserve. Of course, you will benefit from it too.”

“I got it. Whatever it was I was going to steal, you found someone to sell it to. You say you’ll do anything for money.”

“That’s enough chatting. We will meet at the place in exactly three hours.” said John

Thief left him alone. John immediately called somewhere and said, “Started”

The thief was thinking about what he was going to steal. He wondered how he could eliminate John and sell this to others.


The thief hid on time in a designated place outside the facility, where the laboratory was located. He had crawled to the blind spot for the security cameras. It was very easy to enter. After fitting the glove on his hand, he started walking towards the main door. There was a vehicle in the parking lot in front of the door. For a moment he thought about not entering. He continued on his way because he was informed that there would be no one there at this hour. When he came to the corridor, he did not see any body. He thought to himself that John was right. When he came to the glass partition and saw that there were 2 people, the adrenaline in his blood suddenly increased. When he saw one of them turning to look at him, he panicked. He fired three shots without looking and started running away.

At the same time as the thief, someone else hidden in the ceiling and fired three shots. The thief was not even aware that his gun had been replaced with blank cartridges. The plan was going as the Americans wanted.

John had used the ventilation from where he was hiding in the attic to get to the roof. He entered from the roof by taking advantage of the blind spots of the cameras and went out through the wire fences using the same path.

They met with the thief about an hour later. The thief’s face was white. His hands were shaking with excitement. He couldn’t stand still.

“Just stole information. I don’t understand what shock you are experiencing,” said John.

“I couldn’t s-s steel.” He even can’t speak because of excitement. “I had to shoot. But I had to. I had to. Do you understand? You said no one would be in the lab. There were two people. “They were about to see me.”

“What did you do? Who did you shoot? Did you kill? You stupid fucker. You fucked up. What about data? Why didn’t you take it?

“There were two people. I shot and run away immediately.”

“You’ve totally ruined our business, you stupid bastard. Thanks to you, all our plans went to waste. Now go home without talking to anyone. You don’t do anything without my knowledge.”

The thief nodded his head. When he turned to go home, he collapsed with two bullets entering his head.


They immediately took Emir into surgery. He lost a lot of blood. However, he was holding on. The surgery took approximately 9 hours. The only word the doctor said after leaving the surgery was “We’ll wait.” Yasmin was very tired. He was still covered in blood. Nil couldn’t even take her daughter out of the waiting room to change her clothes. His father was staying in intensive care room 13. They were not allowed to see even for 1 minute. Mars was still on its way. Yasmin fell asleep on the couch. Doctors rushing to room 13 woke her up every time. she learned later that her father’s heart had stopped twice and doctors had managed to restart it.

Mars was able to come to the hospital on the next day. Mars and Yasmin hugged and cried for a time. They had no words to say. Nil had fallen asleep in one of the chairs in the waiting room. Mars caressed his mother’s head and called out “Mom” quietly. This sound was enough for Nil to jump out. Years had passed, but their mother was still the same. No matter how calmly or silently they called her, she would get up from her bed in a panic. Afterwards, she felt dizzy and had to sit where she was. When she saw Mars, Nil started to cry. All three of them hugged each other and started crying.

When Mars regained his composure, he asked, “How did it happen?” asked.

“It happened very suddenly and silently. I heard a gunshot, and my father was on the ground. There was blood everywhere. Then here we are. His heart stopped twice last night. “They started it again.” said Yasmin

Mars’ face turned white when he heard his heart stop twice. At that moment, the doctor came to inform them. “Each of you have only one minute to see him, but not more.” Doctor said

Their mother entered first. Mars and Yasmin were very impatient to get in. Seconds are not passing. It is like freeze of time. Yasmin entered second. She told her father a lot of things in 1 minute. Finally it was Mars’ turn. When he entered the room, he looked at his father from afar. “Your little man has arrived,” he said loudly. He was sobbing. He came next to the bed and held his index finger. When he was little, he used to hold his father’s finger like this, not his hand. He looked at his father’s face and kissed him on the nose. Just like he kissed him. Time was almost up. He leaned into his ear and called out, “Daddy, waaatteeeerrrrr.” Just like he asked his father every night. After saying this, his father’s heartbeat accelerated. The doctor came immediately for a check-up. Mars had to come out now. Seconds did not pass while we were waiting outside. With his father, time passed like a flash. When he went out, he found his mother and sister crying. Mars hugged them and started to cry again. After a while, doctors came to them.

“How is he?” asked Yasmin.

“He is not good right now. He was seriously injured. If everything goes well, he can be out of intensive care within a week. However, that doesn’t mean he will be good. Internal damage was serious. We will just wait now. I am sorry but must say that “be prepared for every situation”. The doctor gave an answer that was very difficult to accept.

They could not say anything but frozen. Even the thought of death shocked all family. Mars “Why? What is the reason?” he asked himself but loudly.

He was released from intensive care after 1 week. His condition was still critical. Doctors were waiting for him to regain consciousness and were constantly saying that his condition could change and worsen at any moment.

He opened his eyes after 12 days. He was having a hard time breathing without the machine.

“Dad, what happened? What was the reason? Do you have any information?” asked.

His father also started typing on Fingerpad (hologram keyboard developed for patients). “Yes, I have information,” he wrote. They were all very surprised. We found it, he wrote and smiled. “I didn’t want to tell you and endanger your lives. Thanks to your uncle Alp, I was saved from an assassination attempt. Your mother knows, but she also found out unintentionally. My dear Yasmin, you unconsciously improved our discovery. We discovered invisibility paint a few years ago,” he wrote. However, he was tired. He couldn’t write any more. They left the room so he could rest.

Mars was shocked and Yasmin couldn’t believe what she heard. They can see the picture now. Mars didn’t realize he was thinking out loud. “Either to kill or to steal,” he said. At this moment, a man in a suit stood in front of the emergency exit at the end of the corridor. It stood in a way that did not allow anyone to enter or exit.

Mars saw someone standing in the same manner in front of the elevator and stairs on the side of the corridor closest to them. While he was thinking of taking his mother and sister and making a move to escape to one of the rooms, his uncle Alp appeared coming out of the elevator. Alp’s guards had blocked the entrances and exits to the floor.

“I think he openned his eyes. How is he?” asked Alp

“Thank goodness he can talk now.” said Mars

After a while, when they were alone, Mars asked the question without waiting. “What is your opinion, uncle?”

“Americans. They used old style weapons to avoid detection. The issue I am trying to solve is why we did not receive any information beforehand. I have only one logical explanation for now. It was organized by someone from the top, but has no responsibility to report to the government. We will find out soon”


Yasmin was holding his hand near his bed. Emir was having difficulty about breathing. The last words out of his father’s mouth were “I love you all” and lyrics of one song from Pinhani “Yanliz kaldiysan…”. He didn’t have the strength to continue. His father looked into her eyes and smiled for the last time. His hand slipped from her hand and fell on the bed. His eyes were looking at Mars. When Mars was young, when they agreed on something, they would make the okay sign with their thumbs in the air. He tried to make this sign with his last remaining strength, but he couldn’t. The painful sound of the device indicating that the heart had stopped, filled the entire room. Time seemed to have stopped for both Yasmin and Mars. Doctors filled the room. They were trying to restart the heart. However, it didn’t happen this time.

Yasmin’s eyes filled with tears as she moved away from the edge of the bed. With misty eyes, she walked towards the light coming from window, without even realizing that she was passing by his brother. The words coming out of her mouth were barely audible. “Yalnız kaldıysan, yanlız kaldıysan, yalnız kaldıysan…” she was humming an old song. During his first love pain and heartbreak at the age of 16, his father entered her room with his guitar. Even though his words made her cry that day, this song made her happy every time she felt bad throughout her life. When she came to the window, she wiped the tears from his eyes. After looking outside, she turned to his father and said some words mixed with lyrics of the song, “It’s raining, dad. The sun is out. Come on, please come back, come back and look at the world. Please don’t go, dad. The window is waiting for you to look.” She waited couple seconds and started to yell “Why are you giving up? Why!”

Mars couldn’t stop the tears flowing from his eyes. He wanted to hug Yasmin. “Do not touch me. “No body,” Yasmin screamed. As she ran out of the room, she was shouting and singing Pihanni’s song “Dön Bak Dünyaya”. When she came out, she felt she was having trouble breathing. When she sat on the grass, the wetness of the soil soaked his pants. She remembered the first time his father sang this song to her. After the song, “Life is so beautiful and also so short. Enjoy it always. Don’t let any sadness get in the way of happiness. There will be day when I can not be with you. “Remember these words to see the beauties of life and highlight happiness,” he said.

Play with life like a child,

Let life be a game,

Don’t let your days pass without games

Let every day be a new game…

Her father was keep telling those words. She was very sad, but after remembering what his father said, she felt an indescribable peace.

5 years before the day of the assassination (2025)

Emir gave the necessary command to the computer to drop the solution onto the sample. This process was carried out in an airtight, completely closed environment under the control of a robot connected only to Emir’s computer. The proportions and amount of dripping in the mixture were at levels impossible for a human to adjust. The robot was ordered from Japan. Emir remembered the meeting he had with the company in Japan like it was yesterday. He had never been sure that the robot could have such precise settings. Until they brought it to Turkey and started working on it. He started to get much better results than he expected. Likewise, he started to think about the local software, but what he saw on the screen was enough to blow his mind. Or rather, he calmly looked to see if there was anyone else who saw what he couldn’t see. His heart was beating very fast. Why did he approve of the idea of ​​putting a second screen connected to the computer in the laboratory? He was very sorry now. He hoped no one saw it. Especially his daughter Yasmin should not have seen him and should not have been involved in this. Everyone who knew this had enough experience to know that their lives were in danger from this moment on. He stood up calmly and looked at the other employees. Luckily everyone had their backs to the screen. He made eye contact with Yasmin. He looked at his daughter’s smiling black eyes. It was peaceful. He slowly went to the second screen connected to the computer and disconnected the connections. The moment when the screen turned black and a hand touched his shoulder coincided. She always touched softly and slowly, as if she was afraid that his father would be hurt if she touched him hard. Emir would always recognize this touch and be happy. However, this time he was startled by the fear of death that filled him. He turned around, hoping she hadn’t seen the screen.

“What happened, dad? Are you ok? Did I scare you?

Emir told the first lie that came to his mind at that moment. But this was much more innocent than seeing the test results. “I’m fine, I was just startled, darling, it’s okay.”

“Why did you disassemble the screen? Is there a problem?” Yasmin asked curiously.

“No. No. I just needed a larger screen because the laptop’s screen was small. “I just carry this to my desk.” he said. To avoid any questions, he added, “I think my eyes are not as good as they used to be.” Even though he could imagine how much of a headache this would cause.

This was the first time Yasmin was coming to terms with the idea of ​​her father getting older. Suddenly that sentence came to his mind. “Every Soul Will Taste Death” She shuddered and hugged his father at the same time. She owed a lot to her family. They had never intervened in her life except for very important decisions.

No matter what the topic was, they always wanted her to make the final decision. They would tell her their thoughts so that she wouldn’t make a big mistake and wait for her to face her decision. The right or wrong decision was always her choice. Her father always said two things. The first one is “Live in such a way that you don’t wish to change”. The second is “Whatever you do, do it with love.” Two simple rules to be happy, to be successful, to wake up cheerful. These were two very difficult rules to implement for people who lived their lives to make others happy and to be valuable in their eyes. Because of these two rules, she always made the right decisions. When she decided to become a scientist, his father only said, “Be careful.” She would later understand the meaning of those two words that his father had said 11 years ago and that she had never forgotten.

Invention (2025, Izmir)

After being sure that no eyes were on him, Emir looked at the screen again. Yes, there it was. The thing he had been working on for years, and no one think that he will find, was right in front of him. It all started when Yasmin was 3 years old, painting with white crayons and saying, “Daddy, I made invisible painting.” Nothing was visible. The paint with artificial intelligence was in front of him with all its invisibility. A paint that changes its color like a chameleon by adapting to its environment. It was a groundbreaking invention for the defense industry. It was also a discovery in which the lives of anyone, who knew about it, would be in danger. He looked at Yasmin. It was definitely best for them not to know. He set a password for access to records, his computer and all devices related to the robot. When asked, he would say that someone had done something wrong and he had to redo his last experiment. He had to prevent such mistakes. In this way, possible curiosity would be satisfied. He put his plans into action, unaware of the existence of someone who could understand what such an action meant.

He had to talk to Alp somehow. Alp and Emir’s friendship was based in America. They went to the same school. But Emir was always joking with him. “You came for another issue not about going to school. I’m sure about that.” Emir would say. The answer he received was always standard. “Come on , brother. No, it was for school.”

Alp was a person that a normal person had never heard of and would never meet under normal circumstances. He was a person who was known by everybody in the government and knew everyone. Emir could never understand how he did this. Change of government never been matter for Alp. He was always there. Emir always said to him, “You are needed in every home, my friend.”

He called Alp in the afternoon. He said we need to meet. They made an appointment for the next day. Emir flew to Izmir with the first plane. The night had been very long. He had barely slept. Anxiety and excitement kept the adrenaline in his blood at the highest level. He had breakfast at the hotel in the morning. He went to Starbucks where they met with Alp. Alp was late for the first time. He received a message from Alp on his phone.

“We are both being watched. Take a walk in Kordon in the evening. I will find you.”

He didn’t have the slightest idea what was happening. However, he was starting to get scared. He was more afraid for his family than for himself. If Alp was this worried, there was definitely something serious going on. Emir obeyed the message and went for a walk in Kordon in the evening. He had been walking for about 2 hours. Alp was not around. The weather was very nice. People playing with their children in the park, a young man who went for an evening run and came running from the other side. He envied Him for a moment. As the man approached, the electricity in the entire park went out. The young man he envied bumped into him as he passed by. This clash, which Emir thought at first was due to darkness, took on another dimension when something was whispered in his ear. His heartbeat suddenly accelerated due to the effect of adrenaline. The young man said, “Go into any restroom and check your pocket. But never in the hotel,” When the lights came, the young man and he were scattered on the ground. As the man stood up, he said, “I’m so sorry. It happened unintentionally. Do you need help?” he said. Emir could only shake his head as “NO” with a horrified facial expression. He thought that if he was being watched, he should act notmal immediately. He changed the expression on his face and said with a smile: “Thank you. I’m fine,”. He tried to like Alp, “What would we do if Alp was with me right now?” He immediately went to a bar across the road. He ordered a Heineken and nuts. He needed some relief. He sipped the beer with great pleasure. While the two of them were studying in America, one of the wonderful memories they could not forget was buying a case of Heineken one evening and just as they started drinking it, they learned that it was a holy night and they couldn’t drink it at all. The green Heineken bottle always brought back that memory. This memory was definitely mentioned in every conversation with Alp. Just remembering this, helped him calm down a little. He ordered the 2nd bottle of beer and went to the bathroom. Even though he knew it was in his pocket, the vibration of his phone made him startle. An invisible number was calling. He answered the phone. But he didn’t make a sound.

“We don’t have much time. What did you find?” asked Alp.

“Invisibility paint,” said Emir.

“Take your second beer in your hand, look at the your watch while you’re about to drink it, put the bottle back, pay the bill and leave. I will reach you.”

Emir did exactly what Alp said. But, this caused someone to push the button. A motorcycle was rapidly coming towards Emir. Emir just stood and waited. Everything happened so fast. A white Golf had pulled out of the alley in front of the motorcycle just in time. A very violent collision caused the driver of the motorcycle to be thrown away. Emir experienced the real shock when he saw the Golf driver. The body, hair, eyes belonged to Alp, but the face is someone else’s entirely…

Under normal circumstances, he would have run to help the motorcycle driver without even thinking. This time a voice inside him was telling him to disappear. He turned around and immediately walked into the street. He had taken one step past the building when there was a very loud explosion. When Emir heard the explosion, he ran as fast as he could. He didn’t even look where he was running. The only thought on his mind was to get away from there. Finally, the pain in his spleen forced him to stop. “I even deceive myself. For how many months have you been saying that you will start exercising. But there is no action. That’s how the spleen stops you,” he thought to himself. First he looked around. Noone was there. He thought everyone probably went to the direction of the explosion.

5 years after the assassination (2035)

Mars was about to complete all its preparations. He had not seen his mother and sister for about a year. An hour later, they would embrace each other. As soon as he thought about the landing time, he again remembered the assassination day. He got the news on the evening news in a cafe at the airport. He was afraid to even call anyone on the evening of the assassination. His only consolation at that moment was the knowledge that he was not dead. From that day on, airports always made him uneasy. That’s why he didn’t choose to go.

Everything was ready for the evening. He looked at the table and checked all in his mind “appetizers, raki and fish, perfect”. When the doorbell rang, Mars couldn’t stop himself because of excitement. He’s been like this since he was a kid. The excitement started when his father came from work and knocked on the door. When he opened the door, there was a huge silence of happiness. Silence meant happiness. And tears of happiness. Even his father entering the house did not calm his excitement. After that time Mars would run around until he got tired.

Not the first word but the tears broke the silence. As soon as his mother saw his tears, she started to cry loudly.

After hugging her tightly, “How was your journey?” said Mars.

“It would have been better if it wasn’t for the shaky landing,” said his mother.

“Come on. Lets start to eat,” said Mars. “It’s dinner time in Turkey.”

“Dude, did you do it all? Staying away from home was good for you. “And if we get you married, you will become the man of your house,” she teased his brother.

Mars happily hugged her sister. He raised his glass, “To your honor, father…” They met every year on the anniversary of his death, wherever they were in the world. Tonight was just one of those nights.


His name was Mars because of his father’s admiration for space. His mother liked it very much when he first said it. It was both a planet name and meant the “God of war”. He left Turkey after his father’s death. He applied to the University of British Colombia for a master’s degree in astronomy and was accepted. He never came back. Somewhere in his mind he was blaming his country. In Mars’ eyes, everyone, from citizens to the state, was guilty of the murder of his father. The incident was forgotten less than a week after his murder. He was among the unsolved perpetrators whose actions were unknown. The majority of society had come to the point of not thinking about anyone but themselves. When did this society become so corrupt? The majority of the society was only living with the ambition of gaining money and power, integrating into a life that they did not even want. He didn’t want to live with such insensitive and uncaring people.

A single conversation with his family was enough for him to choose a career. His mother was unlimited supportive in everything. She was ready to give everything she had for both his education and starting a business.

“To be a lawyer or to be a scientist? I can not decide. I will be very happy doing both of them. “What do you think, father?” asked Mars.

“Being happy while working. These are the most important and magic words. If you do what makes you happy, it is no longer a job for you. It becomes a hobby that you enjoy and have fun doing and at this point, you move away from success-oriented work. Have two main goals. Enjoy and learn. Let these always be your goals. “Success should never be your goal,” his father said with a smile. He continued his words by explaining his thoughts about being a lawyer. “There are few jobs that can give as much joy and happiness as proving a person’s innocence and rightness. However, at some point you will have to defend a client who is unfair and guilty. Can your soul, heart and mind accept this? If you prepare with doubts about even one of these, you will lose your case before it even starts. You will have to defend that all your clients are right and innocent, regardless of whether they are right or wrong.”

Even before his father finished his sentences, Mars realized where the conversation was going and felt that he could not become a lawyer. He could not defend the guilty as innocent. Neither his emotions nor his soul, his body would allow this. From this perspective, it meant destroying everything he had ever believed in. He couldn’t. Justice should always be on the side of truth for him.

His father waited for Mars to clear his thoughts before moving on to the second choice. He knew his son. He was lost in thoughts about not being able to become a lawyer. When he was sure that he had gotten rid of his thoughts, he said, “Being a scientist!” he began. “It means enjoying everything you find and everything you don’t find. “A scientist never loses his way to what he is trying to find,” his father said.

Mars was just about to open his mouth to say failed experiments. As if his father read his mind, he continued his sentence: “Every unsuccessful path is a discovery, my son, that you cannot achieve what you want to find that way,” he said with a smile. “You can try a million ways and not find it. And someone else can make that invention with the same process you would do on the millionth and first try. Even though it may seem very sad from the outside, you will have discovered 1 million ways for humanity that cannot be reached. Thanks to you, other scientists will not waste their time trying those methods. Don’t forget! The first and only goal of a scientist should not work for money or for himself. Only for humanity.” When he finished, Mars no longer had the slightest question mark in his mind.

He was immersed in all these thoughts while taking the last sips from his glass while listening to “Manus Baba” alone after his sister and mother had gone to bed. He started re-watching an old recording on his computer. These were images recorded when Mars was two years old. He was walking on a wall the size of Mars. His father was next to him, holding his hand. He would never forget the sentence he and his father said while passing by the big stones. “Just one more big stone. Bye bye stone. See youuuu”. He just couldn’t make peace with the world about his father’s death. With the last sip, tears flowing from your eyes, a single sentence came out of your mouth and you fell asleep. “Good Night Daddy. I miss you a lot”

Yasmin felt tired from the whole day. She reached out to brush her teeth and took the toothpaste. She was startled by the sound he heard. She heard “Good Night Daddy” Or did she hear wrong? She didn’t quite understand. But the voice came very clearly. She knew that Mars, like her, could not forget his father’s pain. But she realized for the first time that he was in a much more intense flood of emotions.

Mars and Love

Mars was thinking about how accurate the sentence he read was. These words, spoken by Ibn-i Sina around 10th century, are “The world; it is divided into people who have mind but no religion, and people who have religion but no mind.” How accurately he described the current order. Reading books was his greatest pleasure. He was almost lost in the books. He was excited when he looked at the clock. There were 2 hours left until their meeting. As the time approached, his excitement increased. He felt like his hands were ice cold. Whenever he got too excited, his hands became like this, even if they weren’t cold. He thought it was time to put the book down and get ready. “Today is going to be a great day, isn’t it, Fluffy?” he called out. Fluffy was Mars’s dog, whose species was the Chinese Lion. Fluffy was barking to approve Mars. “Fluffy, unfortunately you cannot come today. I promise you will come for the next time,”. Fluffy turned around as if he understood and going to his room. “Don’t be offended, Fluffy, you’ll love her too. I am sure. But your meeting will not happen today.”

They were to meet at 16:00. Mars had made all his plans to make this evening very special. After having a very nice meal, he would take him to the school observatory. But when it came to Jennifer, Mars was always in the wrong corner. This was one of the points that Mars admired her. When the door opened, Jennifer was in front of him with all her beauty. And with a picnic basket. Jennifer was taking Mars to a place she loved very much, Brunswick Beach. The sun had not set yet when they left Vancouver. They were passing by Cypress Provincial Park. Mars was a nature lover like his father. The forest was driving him into ecstasy. When he breathed in the scent of nature, he felt his soul lifted and his body renewed. He turned his head towards the sea. Bowen Island, with its enchanting beauty, stood right opposite. 20-minute ferry ride and a wonderful breakfast with fresh bread at Artisan East… “Start to the morning that you want to make every morning without getting bored” thats what he thought about here. Forest, sea, mountains, peace, few people… His mind was stuck on the last thing he said. Few people… Even though he couldn’t admit it much, even to himself, Mars preferred to stay away from people. The only person other than his family that he never thought of staying away from was Jennifer. All these thoughts flew from his mind as she slowed the car down. They stopped by the roadside. Mars saw nothing but trees around.

“Come on. Follow me,” said Jennifer.

They crossed the road. They dived into the forest. After walking for a while, they came across a rock and a magnificent view. Mars was both surprised and angry at himself for not discovering this place before.

“How did you find?” asked Jennifer

“If a person isn’t speechless after seeing this, I don’t know how else! Words cannot describe. It would be amazing to study the night sky here,” Mars replied. “I think Fluffy loves this place too.”

“Fluffy?” said Jennifer with laughing.

“My dog. I think you will love him very much,” replied Mars.

“So you have a dog. You love nature, space, animals and old sports cars. Men don’t let anyone else drive their cars. But you give.”

“I don’t allow it either. Except you,” said Mars

Jennifer liked the answer very much. They chatted for a long time. While they were standing silently and watching the view, Mars suddenly said, “It’s my turn to surprise. We are going,” he said.

He brought Jennifer to where he did his studies. She was the first girlfriend he brought here. He was losing himself by looking at space and Jennifer with such admiration. Jennifer felt like she was falling in love with these disappearances of Mars. He made Jennifer feel valuable like no one had ever made her before. There was no need to tell her anything. For Jennifer, Mars’ eyes was telling everything.

It is impossible for a person to see this telescope and not be amazed, thought Jennifer. “So this is your secret temple,” said Jennifer.

“Yes. This is what I get lost in that makes me forget everything. “It’s right in front of you,” said Mars. “Stars, meteors, space… There it is, the all-encompassing and at the same time ever-growing universe.”

“Does it make you forget me too?” asked Jennifer

Mars smiled and said, “You’re actually making me forget that.” Jennifer’s facial expression was proof that she liked the answer.

Mars: “That’s not the real surprise. “There’s something I want you to see,” he said.

Jennifer started watching through the telescope. It was set on a very bright and beautiful star. “What is this? It is very beautiful and fascinating,” she said.

“What you see is a star whose discovery has not yet been announced to the world. Only I knew until now. Now you know this secret too. But I have no intention of announcing this to anyone.” said Mars

Jennifer was very surprised. “How? You discovered something and you don’t tell anyone about it?” said.

Mars nodded correctly. Mars kissed Jennifer’s cheek as she looked again. Jennifer turned and kissed Mars on the cheek and continued looking through the telescope again.

“Do you think there are bacteria somewhere in space?” asked Mars

Jennifer was studying medicine and biology at the same time. She had studies on bacteria. She always had something to say about bacteria. “They might be on our end or our salvation. They will be our friends as long as we know them. And human beings always have to be friends with them. Unless we accept this, they will become our enemies and will bring about our end. And I hope there is. I would give everything to go, research and examine them one day,” said Jennifer. “But still we haven’t figured out our own house yet. Do you know what I dream of? Bacteria connected to artificial intelligence. Bacteria that are constantly in our body. These bacteria will be connected to our health programs in some way. If there is any unusual movement, it will immediately warn us. Early diagnosis will be provided for all diseases. “He will even begin to treat simple diseases immediately after diagnosis.”

“Jennifer, this is a great idea. You must go towards this dream without giving up.”

That evening was the beginning of a lifetime together. They both felt it.

When Mars returned home, Yasmin was watching the match. Yasmin was a huge football fan. He heard the same joke every time.

“What does offside mean, Yasmin?” said Mars, laughing very happily.

“Lleave me alone. Or grab your beer, sit down and watch the match with me.” said Yasmin

“There are 5 women in the first 11. Thanks to the new rules, it is not clear whether we are watching ballet or football. The reason is equality should be in football too. But there is nothing in the game other than the sound of a chicken squealing with every foul. Where are those old close matches?” said Mars. Ama bought a beer and sat next to Yasmin.

“Her name is Jennifer,” Mars said. “I know. You’re thinking and can’t ask.”

It took less than 1 second for Yasmin to turn off the hologvision and return to Mars. She practically jumped on the seat.

Hologvision is designed entirely for watching matches. It was a device that gave the opportunity to watch the entire field and players as a multi-dimensional hologram. It quickly replaced television. It was as enjoyable as watching the match in the stadium. It gave the opportunity to watch from any angle and from any location in the stadium.

“Yes. I’m listening,” Yasmin said with a big smile on her face.

“An incredibly beautiful girl. I really enjoy doing the same things and doing things together.” began Mars.

“When you do the same things, you already do something together, my dear Mars. You can’t even talk about her because of excitement. Love love love. Love can put even Mars into a mess. “So when are you getting married little man?”

His father called Mars little man. These two words made him suddenly lose the excitement of love.

“Marriage? Everything is so new.” replied Mars.

“If you say that, you will get married in less than 2 months.” Yasmin concluded. She turned on the hologvision again and started watching the match. Even though neither of them knew it yet, her prediction about the wedding would be correct.

1.5 Months Later

In the first place where Jennifer took Mars, they were naked in a double jumpsuit and watching the night, the sea and the islands.

“I would love to be able to draw. And oil painting.”

“What would you like to draw?” asked Jennifer

“First, I would draw the reflection of your face from my eyes. Secondly, Canada is on the left side of the table, Turkey is on the right side, and the ocean is in the middle. What appears as ocean waters is actually my mother’s tears. Over the ocean, there is a plane taking off from Turkey and heading towards Canada, and I can be seen from a window.

“The first one is very romantic. The second is very emotional. But I loved them both very much. I hope you can draw it one day. I want to tell you something too. But, I don’t want to scare you. And you can see your mother for a long time after this news,” said Jennifer.

“If you don’t tell me right away, I might think something bad has happened and start to get scared. “And what kind of news is this that will result in me seeing my mother for a long time?” replied Mars.

“I’m pregnant.”

“I will name him.” said Mars and shouted to nature in Turkish, “The little man is coming and of course my mother is coming too.”

Jennifer laughed and said, “What did you just say?”

After Mars rotated, “How do you know our baby will be a man?” asked.

“I don’t know. I just felt like it.” replied Mars

“So why did you shout little man?”

“My father always called me little man. And I will call my son little man.”

Jennifer didn’t ask any more questions about his father. She felt like Mars didn’t want to talk either. She hugged Mars tightly. He was glad that there were no questions about his father. He wasn’t ready to tell about him yet.

Marriage Proposal and Honeymoon

He convinced Jennifer to go on a weekend to Bowen Island. Since they arrived at the house ,they rented, late at night, they didn’t have much of a chance to look outside. In the morning, Mars saw that the porch was literally above the ocean. The perfect place for a marriage proposal, he thought. The sun was warming the heart. He silently began preparations for a breakfast on the porch. Toast with sausage and lots of cheddar, orange juice and ready-to-brew tea were all exactly as he wanted.

When Jennifer woke up and opened her eyes, she saw the endless ocean stretching across the porch and said, “How could I have missed this beauty for so long?” The trees on both corners of the porch were so beautifully positioned that when you looked from the bed, the entire ocean was right in front of you. A deep blue ocean in the middle, green pine trees on the sides, the brightness of the sun. Everything looked so beautiful that she thought she could spend a lifetime here.

“When did you discover this place?” asked Jennifer.

“The first year I came. Let’s see if you like breakfast as much.”

Once they were out on the porch, Jennifer closed her eyes, stretched, and breathed in the fresh air. The scent of pine and sea intertwined. She thought this was magnificent. At that moment, when she opened her eyes, she was frozen by what she saw. Mars knew very well that Jennifer would close her eyes and breathe in every morning. At that moment he knelt down. He was holding a ring made of Zultanite stone in his hand. He was just about to open his mouth when Jennifer shouted “Yes” against nature.

“You couldn’t wait 10 seconds, could you?”

“I gave my answer right away in case you gave up,” laughed Jennifer.

Mars stood up and grabbed Jennifer’s waist and pulled her towards him. “Do these eyes look like they will ever give up?” he said and kissed Jennifer.

Jennifer went into the room to get her book. She saw that the ring changed color. “What is the feature of the stone?” she asked Mars

“A rare stone that changes color in the light. It turns green in fluorescent light. Almost all of the world’s reserves are in Turkey,” he replied.

Mars and Jennifer had listened to their uncle Alp’s advice. They chose Switzerland for their honeymoon, and even though years passed, the historical Bernina Express was still in service. Just as his uncle Alp had described, the train continued on its way by making a turn of approximately 270 degrees at a place called Brusio Viaduct. It was truly a beautiful journey, he thought. On the other hand, he remembered this road from somewhere else. He just couldn’t figure out why he felt this way. After a few stops, he suddenly remembered. Brusio Viaduct was the same railway track that he played with his father in his childhood and that his father designed.

“I think my father greeted us and wished us happiness. For the first time since his death, a memory of him didn’t upset me. On the contrary, it made me happy.” said Mars

“Why did you say that?”

“The way the train track turns at this angle and goes uphill is exactly the same as the train track that he designed in the game we played with my father. There is an indescribable peace inside me right now.” said Mars

“I’m sure you will be a great father too, my love.”

“Space and you will now have a rival.” They both laughed at Mars’ words. “I loved my father very much. One day, greedy dogs suddenly took him from us. He was a very good person who devoted himself to science. I left my country after he was assassinated. Because the issue was forgotten so quickly, as if it never happened.”

He also knew the truth. He couldn’t talk much about it. When he continued talking and started thinking about the past, Mars couldn’t stand it. He was falling apart with sadness.


Emir and Alp always talked about their memories of America at every Raki table. The memory they never forgot was when Emir took Alp’s exam and got a lower grade than Alp. This was the moment they laughed the hardest whenever they talked. During those periods, which Emir calls his poorest times, he could sleep during classes because he was working at night. Taking lower grade was the negative effect of these sleeps.

Alp had connections with almost all of the upper echelons of the state. He had seen events and witnessed secrets that even he did not want to know. He was a black box not only for Turkey but also for other governments. If one subject comes to Alp, this means they are in trouble and he is the only one who can solve it. He was normal-looking but extremely dangerous person. This was because he knew a lot and could do a lot.

The only thing he thought about before hitting the biker was whether the 2nd group would make a move? Even if they did, it wouldn’t matter. They were ready to make a move. But he thought it would attract a lot of attention. The second group must have realized this because they did not make a move at that moment. They came face to face with Emir. There were no further attacks. He knew they would have done it already. It took him half a second to get out of the car, look at the engine, then turn around and run away. But this gave Alp 2 seconds to save his life. There was a very violent explosion. Due to the impact of the explosion, Alp was thrown and hit the wall. He tried to regain his senses for about a minute. “Fucking Far Easterners. You never know what they will do and when!!! “What the fuck is a bomb…” he thought to himself. “Crazy Emir. What kind of thing did you find?” he thought. Suddenly he said “Emir”. I wonder if he went to the hotel? Or at the scene of the accident? He felt worried. Since the second group was still watching them, he could not call Emir on the phone yet. He didn’t know that the bomb was made by Americans.