EMU Project will make a real revolution in the service sector

EMU Project
3 min readNov 6, 2017


The new mobile EMU program for smartphones based on iOS and Android will provide the new way of interactive interaction between visitors and employees of cafes and restaurants. Now, for food and drinks ordering and further paying bills in any institution, with EMU program’s support there’s no need to call for a waiter any more!

The traditional menu of cafes and restaurants in its current format has been existing for more than 200 years. During all this period, the classic ordering way with a large list choice of offers almost had no alternatives. However, nowadays, when the global society has reached a new level of development, it is increasingly failing.

The language barrier and some difficulties in food and drinks choosing in exotic establishments with traditional cuisine of different countries have been added to the usual mistakes and problems related to the human factor. Hardly ever, you did not use to have to wait for a long for a waiter in any institution or experience other unpleasant moments associated with excessive expectation related to the waiter’s coming up, an order conduction being ready, an invoice being issued or a terminal being brought in for credit card payment.

All these problems have pushed the EMU developers to the complex solution of the “restaurant issue”. Having downloaded the mobile program in the App Store by a restaurant client or Play Market app stores launches it itself in one of the establishments connected to the EMU, the restaurant will automatically determine the institution and the table belonging to the visitor and will immediately help to create an order.

In fact, the program is an electronic menu in different languages, equipped with high-quality food and drinks photos. Significantly, only current dishes of all institutions connected to the system are displayed in the program.

Choice making and dishes ordering, as well as paying for the order (including on separate bills) and leaving tips with a credit card or crypto currency can be automatically made in one click without waiter’s support. If the waiter is still needed, for example, for payment by cash, you can also call him directly via this mobile application, immediately indicating whether you need the change and in what size. In addition, the program simplifies the restaurants search, booking tables without confirmation by phone, food ordering and home delivery, etc.

It is very important that, in addition to simplification and speeding up the ordering in any institutions, language barrier and human error eliminating, the EMU mobile application gives many other new benefits to program users and restaurant owners. Communication between the client and the restaurant can include a maximum of interactivity with automatic notifications of various promotional actions in institutions, registration and storage of different discount cards in the user profile, availability of video reviews of establishments, as well as feedback on cuisine and quality of service. Project monetization shall be conducted basing on commission from the order.

