Published inSpices and GumsInterference of weeds in crops… Sustainable MeasuresWeed removal in agricultural field is an essential practice.20h ago120h ago1
Published inGood Vibes ClubGreenery in AgricultureOne of the biodiversity initiatives in sustainable Farming is preserving trees.2d ago32d ago3
Published inIlluminati WritersStarting with alphabets to Mnemonics in ScienceStarting with alphabets to Mnemonics in Science.3d ago53d ago5
Published inIlluminati WritersThe invisible part in spicesWe choose to buy items based on their external look. And so spices…3d ago23d ago2
Published inSpices and GumsThe spice specialityNo doubt spices have special features and thus have specifications.6d ago46d ago4
Published inSpices and GumsWhy do we add spicesFor flavor, aroma, color(some specific spices like turmeric) and taste. The secret of fragrance is volatile oil.Jan 54Jan 54
Published inSpices and GumsPotato and Rice starchesStarch in foods is responsible for giving glucose to the body. Starches differ in their properties depending on the source.Jan 43Jan 43
I have to Read first …Write next …I finally could understand what I need to do in sequence to become a good writer.Jan 23Jan 23