What is Love — An Inspirational Poem About Finding Meaningful Love

Emy Knazovic
2 min readNov 24, 2023

If you have ever felt lost in confusion when it comes to finding true love, you’ll most likely relate to this poem.

This is my 7th ever poem, and I’m 47.

It’s better late than never to begin something new ;)

I hope you enjoy.

He looks so handsome and kind from the outside,
But when we talk, he is so empty inside.

Deeper emotions just won’t come up,
He is afraid you’d find his weak spot.

He looks like an average man with big smile,
When we talk, my heart runs a thousand miles.

He opens up with his deepest secrets,
He is not afraid to show his weakness.

What does love really mean and how do we find it?
Do we look, feel or calculate to bind it?

Is it the looks that matter, what others see with their eyes?
Or is it the fun and giggles you feel when you’re with this guy.

Who’ll decide for you what love is?
Your friends, family or your heart when it sings.



Emy Knazovic

Editor at Be Unlimited Hub | I Write To Challenge Your Mind & Soul | Spirituality, Mindfulness, Psychology, Writing, Self Improvement, Master Coach