Emily Rose
2 min readFeb 16, 2015

Strategies to shake the business through social media!

Today, social media has no boundaries. This is an ocean to provide the ultimate treasure of entertainment, information, communication, marketing and business. It is not just known for the entertainment channel but is a platform for online marketing strategies to enhance the business. This plays an important role in creating the brand position and maintaining the customer experience. Today, the base of traditional clients has transformed into a strong foundation of smart users.

Role of Social Media on the businesses!

Most of their time is spent on the Facebook, Twitter and Google+, the 3 long race runners of social media management. The Marketing companies target the particular preferences of particular users to broaden their possibilities to reach them. Campaigning through these powerful social networking sites is the necessity of the time today!!

Scene of Social Networking Sites after Promotion!

Marketing has secured an important role in the growth of an organization. And, social media have got a prominent role in the area of advertising. This is well known by people throughout the world. The reason behind is more results in less duration of time. It is equally important to hire the best team for social media advertising as it is for manufacturing. There is famous saying that what is seen is sold! However, if you wish to be noticed, it is the best alternative for you.

Important online marketing strategies for successful Social Media Campaigning!

There are many things that are powerful to use if you wish to have the desired results. Do you know these aspects about it.

  • On an average, every customer has around 190 friends. This is the opportunity to promote the product.
  • People buy through people. Around 87% customers buy the products on the recommendation of their friends.
  • Do you know the price of each Facebook profile is £85?
  • I like per day can generate around £2500 sales for you in the month
  • I like per day may result in 5700 potential customers per month.

Social Media has entered its age of youth. Take benefit from it to enhance the perspective of your business!