The Power TestNet release

Power Rover
2 min readNov 30, 2017


November 10th The Power developers team has finally released first build of the TestNet. Proof-of-Concept of the Resonance protocol is currently operating in the network based on 3 nodes. Further development and examinations of the TestNet are going to be proceed via increasing complexity of the nodes structure and protocol adjustments.

The Power & Resonance

Resonance protocol is unique consensus algorithm that has been developed by The Power founders — Maxim Mikhailenko and Igor Belousov.

Fault-tolerant protocol founded on parallel execution approach where transaction flows are separated according to geographic attributes and sort of business tasks. By the virtue of this framework The Power ecosystem is easily scalable keeping at the same time high level bandwidth and stability during high load operations.

However the core characteristic of The Power architecture is the economy of scale combined with high data processing speed which allows to reach low level of transaction cost.

In other words, The Power ecosystem solves one of the most important problem of blockchain technologies applied to real business — low transaction expenses within scaled network.

