Advancing Global Health: A Holistic Approach

Enabling Dimensions
5 min readApr 12, 2024
World Health Day — Globe with stethoscope around it


World Health Day, just gone by and marked annually on April 7th, serves as an urgent reminder of the imperative to prioritise health on a global scale. This year’s theme is ‘My health, My Right’. While this is the theme, it calls upon the need to be actionable on One Health approach for a holistic outlook towards health and wellbeing.

We, Enabling Dimensions are a boutique digital solutions organisation dedicated to transformative health approaches using technology for learning. In this blog, we explore the significance of adopting a comprehensive strategy. We also delve into India’s budgetary initiatives and strategies aimed at enhancing individual and community well-being.

Understanding the One Health Approach: The One Health approach acknowledges the intricate connections between human, animal, and environmental health. Recognising these interdependencies enables us to effectively address emerging health threats such as zoonotic diseases climate health and its impact on global health.

Government Budgetary Allocation: The Government of India has demonstrated a steadfast commitment to public health through strategic budgetary allocations. The 2024 healthcare expenditure has been increased to 90,171 from 79,221 crores. This includes funds for healthcare infrastructure, research, and disease prevention programs; Notably, the National Health Mission (NHM) continues to receive substantial funding, with a particular emphasis on initiatives aimed at maternal and child health, immunization, and disease control. Additionally, the Ayushman Bharat scheme, which encompasses both the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY) providing health insurance coverage to vulnerable populations and the Health and Wellness Centres (HWCs) aiming to deliver comprehensive primary healthcare services, has seen increased funding to expand its reach and impact. Investments in the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) and urban health initiatives further underscore the government’s commitment to addressing health disparities across diverse demographics. These budgetary allocations reflect the government’s dedication to improving health outcomes and promoting equitable access to healthcare services for all citizens.

Having said that advancing global health requires continuum in the following arenas:

  1. Education and Awareness: Public health stalwarts emphasize the pivotal role of education and awareness in improving health outcomes. WHO and other organizations advocate for comprehensive health education programs that empower individuals with knowledge about preventive measures, disease management, and health promotion. This aligns with the theme of World Health Day 2024, which focuses on the importance of accessible health information for all.
  2. Community Support: Strong community engagement is a cornerstone of effective public health interventions. The article in Lancet talks is an example of how public health experts stress the significance of community-driven approaches in addressing health disparities and promoting health equity. Collaborative efforts involving local leaders, community organisations, and healthcare providers can facilitate access to healthcare services, foster healthy behaviours, and strengthen social support networks. By empowering communities to actively participate in decision-making processes and health promotion activities, such initiatives contribute to more sustainable and equitable health outcomes.
  3. Personalised Healthcare: Tailoring healthcare interventions to individual needs is gaining recognition as a key strategy for improving health outcomes. Experts highlight the importance of patient-centered care, which emphasizes empathy, respect for patient preferences, and shared decision-making. Personalized healthcare approaches aided by technology, guided by evidence-based practices and informed by patient input, can enhance treatment adherence and patient satisfaction.
  4. Promotion of Mental Well-being: Mental health advocacy has gained momentum in public health discourse, with experts emphasizing the need for greater investment in mental health services and awareness initiatives. Integrating mindfulness practices, stress management techniques, and mental health resources into public health programs can help address the growing burden of mental illness and promote overall well-being.
  5. Encouraging Physical Activity: Promoting regular physical activity is recognized as a cornerstone of preventive healthcare. Public health experts emphasize the importance of creating supportive environments that encourage active living, such as walkable communities, safe parks, and access to recreational facilities. Multisectoral collaborations involving urban planners, policymakers, and healthcare providers are essential for advancing population-level physical activity initiatives.
  6. Nutrition Education and Support: Addressing the global rise in diet-related diseases requires comprehensive nutrition education and support programs. Public health organisations are advocating for policies and interventions that promote healthy eating habits, such as nutrition labelling, school-based nutrition education, and initiatives to improve food access in underserved communities. Empowering individuals with knowledge about balanced diets and supporting them in making healthier food choices is essential for reducing the burden of chronic diseases.
  7. Workplace Wellness Initiatives: Workplace wellness programs play a crucial role in promoting employee health and productivity. Articles by public health experts highlight the importance of offering comprehensive wellness initiatives that address physical, mental, and social aspects of health. Strategies may include workplace health assessments, employee education workshops, and policies that support work-life balance and mental well-being.
  8. Harnessing Technology for Health: Leveraging technology innovations is increasingly recognised as a means to improve healthcare access and delivery. Public health experts advocate for the integration of digital health solutions, such as telemedicine, mobile health apps, and wearable devices, into public health programs. These technologies have the potential to expand access to healthcare services, facilitate health behaviour monitoring, and empower individuals to take a more active role in managing their health.

In summary, aligning strategies for enhancing health with insights from public health stalwarts and evidence-based practices is essential for addressing global health challenges. By prioritising education, community engagement, personalized care, mental well-being, physical activity promotion, nutrition education, workplace wellness, and technology integration, stakeholders can work towards achieving the goals of World Health Day 2024 and advancing the health and well-being of populations worldwide.

Conclusion: As we commemorate World Health Day, Enabling Dimensions reaffirms its commitment to advancing global health through holistic approaches. Enabling Dimensions, “Shakti”, an eLearning module empowers women holistically. As the name suggests, it is our comprehensive health initiative leveraging eLearning as a medium for advocacy and education, empowering women to prioritise their health and well-being. Through collaborative efforts we can create a world where every individual has the opportunity to thrive.

Together, let us champion holistic health solutions that address the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental health, paving the way for a brighter and healthier future.



Enabling Dimensions

Enabling Dimensions (ED) specializes in providing Learning and Technology solutions that are simple, fun, and engaging.