The Ending of Angels of Death: What really happened?

3 min readAug 3, 2020


“Angels of Death” is originally a video game made by Hoshikuzu KRNKRN for Microsoft and Nintendo Switch. Then in 2018, J.C. Staff came out with a 16 episode anime based on the game. This article will explain the theories on the end result of the anime.

Spoilers ahead, you have been warned.

We last see Rachel in some type of rehab center to help her deal with the trauma she went through. Rachel is hoping for Zach to come and finally fulfill his promise to kill her. Then, Rachel hears that Zach is sentenced to death for his crimes of murdering all those people. She is distraught because that means Zach won’t come back for her. In the next scene it shows Zach in her room, he takes her and they jump out the window. In the very last scene, it shows the broken window and blood on the floor.

Now, let’s get into the theories of what could have happened since we were left with a cliffhanger.

Theory one: suicide

It is very possible that Rachel was so distraught once she heard that Zach was going to be facing death that she simply just hallucinated him being in the room with her. She then kills herself.

Rachel plunged a knife into her and died because she thought Zach was already there. It’s already shown that Rachel has serious mental issues especially since she blocked out most of what she did to her parents during the whole series.

This theory isn’t very plausible due to the fact that the window is broken.

Theory two: Zach kills Rachel

This second theory could definitely be true, even if we as fans don’t want it to be. Zach does escape wherever he was being held and found Rachel. He breaks into her room and tells her they have to go. The police are surrounding them, he kills her while they jump out of the window. Then he either dies from the fall or goes on to live his life. That’s why there is blood on the ground along with broken glass pieces.

He wanted to fulfill his promise to her despite everything they went through. He began to accept her as his first true friend, someone that has a mental state close to his.

Theory three: They escape

This final theory is also a reasonable ending that can lead to a season two. Zach is already bloody from escaping his jail cell when he comes to break Rachel out. His blood drips to the floor. The police are looking for him, surrounding him, he takes her as they jump out the window.

That is why there is broken glass on the floor, and you literally see them floating in the air before the show ends. The blood could also be there from jumping out the window, but you would think that the blood wouldn’t necessarily be on the ground.

Then they run away and fit into society or live off-grid. This is how there could be a second season, to show them living normally. Or Zach still has to kill Rachel since he promised.


In my personal opinion, I feel like it would be harder for Zach to kill Rachel now due to their friendship. In the end, he saved her life by taking her outside and giving her to the authorities. If he really wanted to he could’ve killed her right there in front of everyone. But he didn’t.

I’m not sure what theory I believe in, one doesn’t seem likely. The second theory could really fit the ending since that was all Rachel wanted, death. The third theory could lead to a season two, but there hasn’t been any news on an additional season.

