Power Up: Why Energy Retailers Need to Think Like Telecom Titans

2 min readMay 31, 2024


By Frederick Hamilton

Remember when telecom companies were all about landline phones and slow internet? Fast forward 15 years, and now they’re offering everything from high-speed broadband to mobile bundles. European energy retailers, it’s your turn to shine!

The green energy transition is happening. Deregulation and rising competition are shaking up the energy market, and simply selling electricity and gas isn’t enough anymore. It’s time to look at what telecom companies did — introducing value-added services to enhance customer loyalty and create new revenue streams.

It’s a lonely, difficult road to net zero for domestic energy customers, and this is the perfect opportunity for retailers to step in with a helping hand. Research shows that customers want this. A recent EY report found that 81% of domestic energy customers want their energy provider to play a role in enhancing their new energy product journey.

Energy retailers can follow this example by offering smart home solutions that let customers control their heating and appliances remotely. Energy management systems can help save both money and the environment. EV chargers? Sure. Broadband and home insurance? Why not? Additionally, green energy options can appeal to the growing number of eco-conscious consumers.

How did telecoms succeed? They embraced the digital revolution to understand their customers better. Customer insights totally work — that’s undisputed. Need proof? Visenze found that conversion rates increase 300% for product recommendations based on customer behavior. It’s time for energy retailers to take a cue from the telecom playbook.

Enter Enaptiq. Our plug-in SaaS helps retailers turn their fragmented customer data into personalized, efficient, and sustainable solutions that meet the evolving needs of their customers. Not only can this boost customer lifetime value and reduce churn (Gartner found that companies with an upselling strategy experience a 75% uptick in loyalty…), but it’s great for customers — they get better service, better offers, and the help they actually need on their green transition journey. No one needs to walk to net zero alone.

It’s time for energy retailers to embrace change, offer more than just energy, and unlock new growth opportunities. Enaptiq is the trusted partner to help.

It’s time to power up and look towards a brighter future.

