Trumpism: The Rise of Bad Religion in America’s Heartland

Digital Native
3 min readMar 27, 2023


I grew up in a small town in the Midwest, where many of my Christian friends and even family members became Trump supporters. Over the past few years, I have watched as their beliefs became more entrenched and extreme. They have embraced conspiracy theories, rejected scientific evidence, and vilified anyone who disagrees with them.

As a result, I have seen friendships and family relationships torn apart. It is heartbreaking to see people who were once close and supportive of each other become embittered because of their beliefs.

Over the past few years, the term “Trumpism” has been used to describe the political ideology of Trump and his supporters. While Trumpism is often associated with populism, nationalism, and conservatism, it should actually be viewed as a form of religion. In fact, some have argued that Trumpism has all the characteristics of a religion, but without any of the good parts.

Like religion, Trumpism has a set of beliefs that its followers adhere to with unwavering devotion. These beliefs include the idea that Trump can do no wrong, that the mainstream media is fake news, and that Democrats are evil and out to destroy America. Trumpism also promotes the idea that only Trump and his supporters truly represent the interests of the American people, and that anyone who disagrees with them is unpatriotic or even traitorous. These beliefs are held with the fervor of religious beliefs, and any attempt to challenge them is met with hostility and contempt.

Moreover, Trumpism lacks the good parts of religion. In Christianity, followers are taught to love their neighbors, to care for the sick and the poor, and to stand up for the oppressed. Christians learn to promote a society that reflects the values of compassion, justice, and love that are at the heart of their faith.

Trumpism has no such framework. Instead, it promotes a culture of selfishness, greed, and cruelty. Trumpism celebrates winners and punishes losers, regardless of the cost to others. It encourages people to prioritize their own interests over the interests of others, and to view compassion and empathy as weaknesses.

As a member of the Latinx community, I have seen firsthand the harm that Trumpism has caused. From the separation of families at the border to the repeal of protections for DACA recipients, Trumpists rallied to undermine the human dignity of Latinx immigrants. This has increased anxiety among all members of my community, and has led to civil rights violations that make us feel unsafe in our own country.

Finally, I have been appalled by the way in which Trumpism has normalized hatred and bigotry. During the Trump presidency, hate crimes and incidents of discrimination increased across the country. People of color, immigrants, LGBTQ+ and religious minorities were targeted by white supremacists emboldened by Trumpism.

It is appalling to witness the spread of Trumpism in what was, historically, a Christian country. It is incomprehensible that some Christian leaders continue to promote this bad religion to their congregations.

