Encrybit is Happy to Greet Blockchain Expert Sungho Kim for joining the Advisory Panel

3 min readJul 18, 2018


Encrybit is an upcoming Cryptocurrency Exchange platform with an aim to develop the finest trading platform till date. To achieve this, Encrybit has included the qualified personnel for accomplishing the goal.

In this context, Encrybit is extremely grateful to announce the joining of Blockchain Expert Sungho Kim in the Advisory Panel.

Sungho Kim’s unmatched Experience

Sungho’s educational background revolves around Science, Aerospace Engineering, Computational Fluid Dynamics and Mechanical Engineering. Sungho, in the initial years of his career, focused on products and solutions based on Linux based systems.

He founded two companies, Zion Linux Systems Inc. and KESPER Inc. and prospered them under his guidance. His zeal and zest didn’t stop him from exploring new fields, keeping the boundaries at bay. In 2005, he started researching in the field of supercomputers at Korea government funded organization called KISTI. He continued at the position of researcher for 11 years and then gradually got promoted as the director of the organization.

During his career at KISTI he was involved in the construction of the National Intelligence Service supercomputer system, the design and construction of the system for decryption of Supreme Prosecutors’ Office, and consulting on National Big Data and AI systems and the establishment of systems.

Sungho’s keenness to scrutinize every domain connected with computers made him compelling to try hands on every opportunity coming his way. At the tail of 2016, he served as a vice president at a cloud computing firm Innogrid Inc.

2017 is the year when Cryptocurrency and Blockchain gained the maximum popularity and Sungho can’t afford to miss it. He started his research on this newest fad and prepared himself to serve as an Advisor at a Blockchain based company Edenchain.

The latest addition to his work profile is Encrybit — a cryptocurrency project.

Sungho’s Involvement with Encrybit

Sungho is equally delighted as the Encrybit team and expresses his joy in the following words:

It’s an immense pleasure and honour to serve the position of an advisory member in such an outstanding project — Encrybit. With my experiences on supercomputer system performance, stability and security I’ll give my best to help Encrybit achieve its goal of being the finest exchange till now.

The co-founder of Encrybit Mr. Jitendra Rajput welcomes Sungho with greetings:

A very warm welcome to Sungho Kim, a Blockchain and Cryptocurrency expert. We are very happy to have him on board and I strongly believe to get utmost benefits from his expertise.

A few more words on Encrybit

As stated in the onset, Encrybit is an upcoming Cryptocurrency Exchange platform. But it is not an ordinary trading platform. It is a revolutionary and research based exchange platform which incorporates the needs of traders seamlessly into one single platform.

It thrives to be an improvised and enhanced version of the present cryptocurrency exchanges. Especially user-friendliness, security, liquidity, advanced features like social trading, indicators and charts, digital asset screener and much more.

To accurately comply with its goal, Encrybit had conducted an online survey to gather the opinion of traders on the problems faced and expected features. The survey received an overwhelming response from the traders in the most genuine and honest manner. The data collected was further analyzed and streamlined by the analytics team at Encrybit and published on reputed cryptocurrency websites like Statista.com, Money Control, etc.

Encrybit ICO is to go live in the next 3 to 5 months. The exact information can be checked at http://encrybit.io.




Research based modern cryptocurrency exchange with an attractive UI and is fully equipped with a plethora of advanced features... https://encrybit.io