Sharing our Rich and Incredible Experience from World Blockchain Summit Singapore

4 min readJul 25, 2018


In regards to our announcement, three of the Encrybit representatives attended an important event broadly known as the World Blockchain Summit held at Singapore. It was a two day event dated 19th and 20th July which took place at the most exotic location of Singapore — The Marina Bay Sands.

Briefing about the representatives who attended the event, starting with our co-founder Mr Jiten Rajput, our CTO Mr Jayesh Trivedi and ICO Manager Mr Pradeep Chaturvedi.

Encrybit was a supporting partner at the event. Our aim to be a part of this phenomenal summit was to impart our thoughts on blockchain technology and learn more from other intellectual people around the world. Thus, it was both give and take proceedings on blockchain. Also, presenting Encrybit — our very own cryptocurrency project on such a remarkable platform.

A Glimpse of Summit Occurrences

As per the experience shared by the attendees, the event commenced with an introduction to blockchain technology. For all the novice readers, the technology enthusiasts are looking to implement blockchain which holds the capacity to solve the current problems occurring due to centralization, lack of trust, security, etc. Basically, these summits happen to give a new direction to development of blockchain based application and sharing of experiences, new ideas related to blockchain implementation for solving current day problems. We can also describe it is a knowledge sharing initiative.

Apart from this, such summits provide a concrete platform to showcase/promote their new or upcoming projects. Our team witnessed many start-ups describing the purpose of their ICO and the extent of difference it can make to solve the real-world problems. All ideas behind were truly amazing and had a long-term vision to streamline the things.

Who attended the summit?

The guests who showed up at the summit were from different backgrounds and played specific roles within their organization. Entrepreneurs, investors, advisors, developers and marketing heads are the few names to list them. Apparently, there were regular attendees and VCs as well.

Encrybit’s tryst at the summit

Moving over to our project Encrybit, let us brief you a bit here. As you have read/heard, Encrybit is an upcoming revolutionary and feature enriched Cryptocurrency Exchange platform which aims to solve the existing exchange problems faced by the traders. We shortly call it a “Modern Exchange”. For the presentation purpose, our representatives wore specially designed t-shirts with Encrybit logo printed on it. We had a banner set-up just beside our stand which was eye-catchy for most of the visitors.

Our representatives showcased their best presentation skills and justified the purpose of Encrybit to the investors and advisors. The presentation included a brief overview of our project, prototype of the trading platform and some unique feature description which is going to be incorporated in our exchange. The viewers paid undivided attention and were enthralled to catch a glimpse of our project. They believed in the potential of Encrybit and the unique features like trailing stop loss, social trading, etc. stole the limelight.

The summit also had some entertaining performances to refresh the mind of attendees. Overall it was a wonderful experience for Encrybit members at the summit and returned back with happy faces as the project received stunning feedback.

To conclude

The best way to sum up the experience in the very own words of our co-founder, expressing his joy, “I and my entire team of Encrybit are truly overwhelmed by the response we received at the summit. Everyone liked the idea of our project and they are eager to see it live at the earliest. We had many new connections and the event absolutely served its purpose of educating people about blockchain and its problem-solving capacity.”

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