Living Offline in an Online World: Finding Balance in a Digitally Immersed World

3 min readJul 31, 2023


Hey there! Have you ever noticed that once you start looking for something, you see it everywhere? Well, there’s something in our modern world that’s hard to miss, and I bet you’ve seen it too. Picture this: a restaurant filled with friends, but instead of talking and laughing together, they’re all engrossed in their phones. Or a group of people on the street, each walking alone in their digital bubble, oblivious to the world around them. Sound familiar?

It’s crazy how much our lives have changed with the rise of technology. I remember growing up in a time when cell phones were a luxury, and computers were still a novelty. But now, it’s hard to imagine life without these devices. We’re constantly connected to a virtual world, and sometimes, it feels like we’re losing touch with reality.

Think about it — most of our interactions these days are non-verbal, happening through screens and keyboards. But what happens when we remove everything but that small remainder? It’s like an experiment where we’re living in a world dominated by technology, with our physical presence taking a backseat.

When I was a kid, human interaction felt different. If you wanted to talk to someone, you had to go find them and spend time together, fully present in the moment. There was no FOMO, no constant stream of information pulling our attention away. Back then, our interactions had a richness and depth that seemed to be slipping away in the digital age.

The problem is, that technology is advancing at lightning speed, while our brains are still trying to catch up. It’s like a mismatch between our biology and the rapid changes in information technology. The addiction to social media and instant communication is real, and it’s affecting our behaviour and perceptions of reality.

We can’t deny that social media is addictive, and it’s rewiring our brains to seek constant validation and attention. But what’s even scarier is how this addiction is changing our perception of the world. Our lives have become a constant stream of notifications, likes, and shares, and we’re starting to view everything through a digital lens.

Our polarized political discourse is a prime example of this binary interpretation of human interaction. And if we’re not careful, the upcoming generation might prioritize their digital presence over their in-person relationships.

So, how do we navigate this digital landscape? Shutting down big tech isn’t the answer; it’s like closing Pandora’s box. Instead, we need awareness and balance. Becoming aware of how these platforms influence us gives us some control over our behaviour.

Let’s work on maintaining a balance between in-person and digital interaction. Our brains are wired for face-to-face communication, with body language, emotions, and facial expressions. By practising real-life interactions, we can strengthen our sense of identity and community.

Take small steps today to regain control over your online presence. Uninstall some social media apps from your phone and use your computer for them instead. Turn your phone off when spending time with loved ones to be fully present in the moment. You’ll be amazed at how beautiful life can be when you’re not constantly plugged in.

In this digitally immersed world, finding balance is the key to preserving the richness of human interaction and the beauty of the real world right in front of us. Let’s reclaim our presence, one step at a time.

What have you been doing this week? Drop a line in the responses.





Data Engineer| Artist| I am either on the Computer or in the Bed. Sometimes Both.Bringing ideas to life with code and arts!