Endeavor JordanThe Path Ahead for Founders: In Conversation with Imad Malhas, Founder of IrisGuardImad Malhas has a strong technical background in the field of information technology and has been considered a pioneer in software…Aug 12, 2020Aug 12, 2020
Endeavor JordanEon Dental begins testing manufacturing parts for VentilatorsEon Dental, a Jordanian dental technology Company that traditionally manufactures clear aligners, has announced collaborating with the…May 10, 2020May 10, 2020
Endeavor JordanIn a time when the whole world is under partial or complete lockdown, businesses are facing…Endeavor Jordan conducted a survey to get a flavor of the impact of this crisis on startups. The sample included 110 founders of…May 9, 2020May 9, 2020