How to solo mine Kepler?

2 min readMay 22, 2019


Note: You need basic Windows knowledge to follow the guide

To mine Kepler you need to download the wallet from

To start off, Kepler allows mining with 3 different algorithms: Neoscrypt, Argon2–4096 y Lyra2CZ.

Neoscrypt is a GPU minable algorithm, so it will be slow to mine through the wallet.

Argon2–4096 y Lyra2CZ are CPU optimized but Argon2 can also be mined with GPU.

To select the algorithm to mine pressWindows + R and type notepad %appdata%\KeplerCore\kepler.conf to open the config file.

Then you will have to select the algorithm to mine with




Debug Console

With the wallet setup, now click on “Tools” y and select “Debug Console”, then type the following command:

setgenerate true (number of cores to use to mine)

For example:

Mined has started properly with 2 cores

By now you have started mining Keplers. Sooner or later mining will be possible through pools, we will try to contact pool operators ASAP.

If the mining started properly, you will start to receive KPL in 5 to 10 minutes, depending on your CPU and the algorithm you select.


