Happy Hour with MIT Prof. Alex Pentland, Endor Co-Founder!

Endor Protocol
Published in
2 min readFeb 13, 2018

We’re excited to announce that on Sunday February 18th 2018, 8 AM EST, Endor Co-Founder, MIT Prof. Alex Pentland, will be doing a live AMA with Endor.coin community over Telegram https://t.me/EndorcoinGroup.

Social Physics is the science of using statistics to understand how people are herding, to be able to predict what’s going to happen in the future, statistically. Here at MIT, we have analyzed hundreds of exchanges, to understand people’s behavior in detail, in order to build Social Physics, and we have been able to do some rather amazing things from the statistical learnings we have about people’s behavior. So, the technology we developed in the lab had been turning into a company called Endor, which for the last several years has been working with the big guys, retailers and banks, to help them getting the right products to the right places at the right time, by predicting waves of demand, to be ahead of the curve and make money. Now we are bringing this technology to the crypto world”.

MIT Prof. Alex Pentland: member of the US National Academy of Engineering, “One of the worlds 7 most powerful data scientists” (Forbes). Director of the MIT Media Lab. A founding member of the advisory boards for Google, AT&T, Nissan, and the UN Secretary General. Serial Entrepreneur and a Leader at the World Economic Forum.

While at MIT, Dr. Yaniv Altshuler, Endor CEO, and Prof. Pentland invented Social Physics technology upon which we have established Endor.
Prof. Pentland will answer questions from the Endor.coin Telegram Community. This is your chance to get the scoop on Social Physics, Endor.coin technology, directly from the source, and learn about an exciting project that is reinventing predictive analytics.

Prof. Pentland will answer as many questions as possible during the session. To submit a question on Telegram, just use the hashtag #AMA (for example: #AMA how does Social Physics differ from traditional Machine Learning?), or reach out to us on Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, or any of our social media channels.

All the questions have to be sent by February 16th. Prof. Pentland will do a live session, answering AMA questions sent, as well as real-time questions, on Sunday, 18th of February, 8am EST, 2pm CET, 10pm JST

Join us on https://t.me/EndorcoinGroup



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