In-Depth Machine Learning for Teens: Introduction

Endothermic Dragon
3 min readAug 21, 2022


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Welcome to my series!

Here, you can learn the mathematics and intuition behind machine learning, building from the bottom up — not only that but everything is mathematically simplified to a level anyone can understand.

Why I Made This Series

Ever since 7th grade, I’ve wanted to learn about machine learning and AI. At that point, I had both limited programming and mathematical skills and was unable to get very far. However, after a year of practice, I got to the point where I was able to write code pretty well. Then, I retried my hand at machine learning.

Unfortunately, I was unable to get very far, as the majority of resources that I found simply used a library that did everything for you in a very abstract fashion. Of course, learning how to use a library would have allowed me to apply machine learning for practical uses. However, as a naturally curious person, I wasn’t satisfied with just using something by assuming it works — I was interested in learning how machine learning worked on the inside.

This led me to read a bunch of articles and papers about how machine learning actually worked on the inside. At this point, I was a rising junior. Once again, I was unable to get very far, as I did not have the background knowledge required to understand the material, as all of the resources assumed an undergrad audience or higher. However, I was able to get an intuitive understanding of the algorithms described.

Two years later, near the end of 10th grade, I achieved both an intuitive and mathematical understanding of calculus, after which I took another look at machine learning. This time, I was able to understand most of the material to a relatively high degree.

I had to follow a long and convoluted path in order to learn machine learning up to a point I was satisfied with it, but you don’t have to! My goal in this article series is to provide you with a mathematical and intuitive introduction to machine learning, made to be accessible to everyone.


  • Basic understanding of general mathematics (probability, algebra, manipulating equations and numbers, etc.)
  • Basic python coding skills (general operations, loops, functions, how to use an imported module/library)
  • An enthusiastic learning attitude
  • Patience! Especially when we get to matrices!

What You Can Expect

  • Articles and hands-on labs
  • Detailed (and sometimes long) explanations of concepts
  • Involved mathematics with intuitive explanations
  • Terminology and optimizations
  • Building everything from scratch
  • General frameworks and instructions in labs
  • Steps and methods to calculate gradients (~fancy calculus~) in labs
  • Learning how to use the Numpy library

What We Will Not Cover

  • How to utilize GPUs or TPUs to speed up training (especially for neural networks)
  • Advanced neural network uses
  • How to use machine learning libraries such as PyTorch, TensorFlow, SkLearn, etc.
  • How to take over the world with AI

Now that we have all of that covered, let’s jump into the articles!

Table of Contents


Please note that the majority of the media used for this series has been generated by me. Any images that I do not own have a link to their source underneath them. You can view the images and the code used to generate them at



Endothermic Dragon

My name is Eshaan Debnath, and I love computer science and mathematics!