Would you like to invest in Spanish startups?

Eneko Knörr
3 min readOct 11, 2017


Back in May 2016 eBay acquired Ticketbis in one of the biggest deals ever in Spain. It was great news for me as I was one of their first investors, and after the exit I got a 40x return on my investment, 6 years later.

Last February, a public British company, Homeserve, bought Habitissimo, another Spanish startup, in a deal worth more than 20 million euros, one of the biggest this year. I had aslo invested in the seed round at a very low valuation, and I got a 20x return.

Back in April this year, I had more good news. My portfolio company Petcoach was acquired by US-based Petco on a deal worth more than 10 million dollars, where I saw my initial investment multiplied by 5 (not spectacular, but good!)

After the news about these three exits came out, I started receiving requests form people who wanted my advice on startup investing, people that, basically, wanted to “invest wherever I’d invest in”. I thought about it and I came up with the idea of opening a “syndicate”: I would open a list of people willing to co-invest with me, with the idea of sharing my investments to anyone interested.

I started investing in startups after my the web hosting company I started in Spain, Hostalia, -which became the top 4- was acquired by Acens (Telefonica) back in 2007. I consider myself an entrepreneur and an amateur investor, as investing is not my day job and my portfolio is small (see my AngelList profile). That’s why I like this way of investing: I can be an entrepreneur, start new companies, while I take advantage of special deals I find to invest in startups, which I can open to other interested parties.

Would you like to invest along with me in Spanish startups? Email me: eneko@angelclub.es

Why should you join my co-investor list?

  • I know personally the key entrepreneurs and investors in the Spanish ecosystem, and know what’s going on all the time . Information + Network = Opportunities.
  • I’ve been a tech entrepreneur for the last 20 years, and for the last 10 I’ve also been investing in startups, with 4 exits (on top of Ticketbis, Habitissimo and Petcoach, I invested also in Couchcommerce, a German startup that was acquired by Newstore.)
  • I have access to very exclusive deals from friends that won’t open their rounds to anyone else. Private deals, better returns.
  • Joining my list is free and there are no obligations for you. I’ll tell you about my deals, you choose if you are willing to invest or no. No questions asked.
  • Very low minimum investment: only 1,000 euros.
  • And, most important: I’ll organize private events with our members! :-)

For more information: eneko@angelclub.es Join me!

DISCLAIMER: Past performance is no guarantee of future returns. Investing in startups is very risky and you could lose your entire investment.

