Energi’s Round 4 Earndrop

Details On Energi’s Last Global Earndrop Round

Energi Cryptocurrency
5 min readJul 2, 2019

Since June 2018, when our very first Energi Earndrop Round 1 began, we have had 60,000 participants worldwide join the Energi community and learn more about this amazing cryptocurrency. Rather than crowdfunding and holding an Initial Coin Offering (ICO), we decided to instead offer a portion of Energi to the wider community in exchange for their ongoing support and engagement.

Initially, there were only ever going to be three Rounds of Earndrop. A global round, then USA & Canadian residents, then EU, New Zealand & Australian residents. Everyone was given a chance to participate in our first Earndrop Round which was global and open for many months, but given we had such an amazing response from the wider global community, asking whether they could still participate after missing the first Global Round, the decision was made to create an additional round; Round 4.

This final global Round 4 has limited spots available (5,000). In the pursuit of fairness, Round 4 registration will be available to users in the order in which they signed up, and will then be open to the public if there are still slots available. However, this is quite unlikely, as our Round 4 ‘waiting list’ of sign-ups already exceeds the number of Earndrop Round 4 slots available.

Now that we are in the process of lining up our final Earndrop, here are the details around our fourth and final round:

  1. Email notifications will be sent out to the first batch of people already on the waiting list, based on the sign-up date. The number of people on the waiting list exceeds the number of entries for Earndrop participation, so we will be rolling out these emails chronologically, with instructions for Earndrop registration included in the email.
  2. Round 4 will be offered on a “first-come, first-served basis,” and so it is important to complete the entire Earndrop application process successfully, as slots not filled will soon be offered to other people on the waiting list.
  3. Only 1 Earndrop round is allowed per participant. If a user participated in either rounds 1, 2 or 3, they will not be eligible to participate in our Round 4. Duplicate entries (attempting to use different email addresses) will be found, disqualified during our auditing process, and banned from participating in any future events.
  4. To receive the total maximum Earndrop reward (100NRG) there is a high participation requirement so that more community members will have a chance to enter.
  5. Once 5,000 people have completed KYC requirements for Earndrop Round 4, the team will begin working to carefully audit all submissions, ensuring that rewards go to legitimate entries only. This process will likely take several months before the distribution for Round 4 can take place.

Round 4 is an additional round from our original Earndrop campaign, created to provide more people with an opportunity to participate. We believe in distributing the coin as fairly as possible and will be taking the time needed to carefully audit all entries. Reward distributions will commence after this full audit process has been completed for Rounds 2, 3 + 4.

In the meantime, we encourage our community to check out our discord Rain Channel, staking rewards and future marketing campaigns and competitions, as there will always be other ways to participate and earn NRG.

We ask that you refrain from overloading our support systems with questions about the Earndrop unless you have registered in a previous round and your question is specific to your Earndrop account and social task/KYC requirements. Keep in mind that our support team only handles issues for users that are already registered in Earndrop, have a user-ID and completed KYC. General questions about the Earndrop, for users who are not registered yet, can be asked in our social media channels, mainly the Discord Earndrop channel.

If you are enquiring about Round 4, this article should answer most of your questions. Alternatively, we have an Earndrop channel in the Energi Discord Server where you can go for more information.

It’s been a privilege meeting our global community via the Earndrop campaign and we wish to thank everyone for being an integral part of one of the most positive and engaged communities in the cryptocurrency ecosystem!

