Knuckle Push Ups

2 min readMay 30, 2023

Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening. So in my previous post I talked about beginners push ups, and standard push ups. Now we are in the intermediate level, in continuing the push up series here to talk about knuckle push-ups! Now, you might be thinking, “Why would I want to do push-ups on my knuckles?” Well, let me tell you, my friends, there’s a whole lot of benefits packed into this powerful variation.

First off, knuckle push-ups give you a solid grip and stability. When you’re balancing on your knuckles, you engage your forearms and wrists, building strength in those often neglected areas. Plus, by distributing your weight evenly across your fists, you reduce strain on your wrists, making this move a safer option for those who have joint issues.

Another perk of knuckle push-ups is the killer core workout they provide. By raising your body slightly higher than regular push-ups, you activate your abs and lower back muscles even more. Trust me, folks, if you’re looking to sculpt those abs lknuckle push-ups are a surefire way to get there.

But wait, there’s more! Knuckle push-ups also do wonders for your upper body strength. This exercise targets your chest, shoulders, and triceps, giving them a serious burn. Whether you’re aiming to bulk up or just tone those muscles, incorporating knuckle push-ups into your routine will definitely get you closer to your goals.

Now, I gotta keep it real with you, fam. Knuckle push-ups aren’t a walk in the park. They require some practice and conditioning, especially if you’re new to them. Start slow, focus on your form, and gradually increase your reps as you get stronger. And don’t forget to stretch and warm up properly before diving into this intense workout.

So, there you have it, folks. Knuckle push-ups, the underrated gem in the world of fitness. Give ‘em a try and witness the transformation of your upper body strength, stability, and core muscles. And remember, just like in life, it’s all about pushing yourself to new limits and reaching for greatness. Stay fit, stay focused, and keep chasing those goals. Stay blessed, blessed, and more blessed.




In the symphony of well-being, I compose an enthusiast remastered rendition that harmoniously weaves together nature, wonder,spirituality, health, and wellness.