The application alerts you when you are near a supermarket and dictates your shopping list


It has happened to you that you go through a supermarket or store and you know you need to buy something but you do not remember what items they are? Or you enter a store and you make the purchases and when you arrive at your house you discover that you lacked several things to buy? Well, it’s something that happens to me often, and sometimes we have so many things to do; suddenly we remember something that we should write down, but we do not have the phone nearby; What if we could dictate the shopping list from a smart watch to an application that we have installed on the cell phone? Or if we have the phone at hand and do not want to write, we could dictate the shopping list directly to the application from the phone.

Image created from:

And how about we pass close to the site where we regularly do some shopping and the application reminds us that we have a list of pending purchases to be made in that site and we have the opportunity to listen to it or read it from the phone or smart watch? Well, I’ve asked myself many times why do I lose so much time shopping?, and I found that doing the shopping list I always have lacked something, because not every time I had the smartphone with me. Then an opportunity to provide a solution to this problem came for me be in my interaction design specialization, and I put myself in the task of sketching and prototyping how this application can be.

When it was just an idea I asked my friends if they thought an application with these characteristics would be useful and they thought it was great and they encouraged me to continue with this proposal.

In this application there are only prototypes that have been tested online by known people and friends, who have given their input in this process, which has made it evolve, from the first sketch to the prototype that can be seen today in the links at the end of this story.

In the tests we discovered that my initial proposal needed a save icon that I initially created, but then I did not see it necessary and I decided to delete it, but my users told me that they felt calmer if they were the one who pressed the icon. I also had an icon to configure the store that only applies to the smartphone version, but the tests made me realize that they were really setting up alerts that warn the user that he or she is passing close to the store. So I changed the icon with its respective label like this, from: “configure the store” to “configure the notifications”. Within this screen, labels were changed and help texts were put in place to guide the user on what each field requested.

Without any more preambles I invite you to see my prototypes and I hope you give me your feedback.

Smartphones prototype:
Smartwatch prototype:

