Enseda Fustian
3 min readJul 9, 2023
(all images mine unless otherwise noted)

Do you ever have those days when you just want to get out?

Maybe alone — or, better yet, with a friend?

Wait — where are you going?

You’ve got “stuff to take care of?!?”

Are you seriously saying you’ve got better things to do than live, relax, or enjoy friends?

Or are you just playing shy?…

Don’t make me use my magical powers on you…

Haha! I knew you could do it!

Now get back over here & keep me company.

That’s right, you can stay for as long as you want — what say we call this a day off for you?

Life knows, you know you’ve earned one…

Much better!

Isn’t spending time with people you care about, in the beauty of nature, talking about the things on our minds, sharing hopes & fears in the thick of life & beauty just a little spot of Paradise?

Now, it’s obvious you’re under a lot of tension.

How can you possibly be or do your best when you’re strung tight as a bow?

Come on, just reach out give yourself a stretch…

What, are you “too cool”, too chic for that?

Come on, just lift up those elbows & spread your wings to fly, Eagle

There you go!

Now, don’t you feel better already?


You don’t quite look convinced yet…

How about a little more “magic” to buoy you up above your work & stress?

Aww, paybacks already?


I caught that — and now I’m going to keep it, close & safe…

What do you mean, “maybe next time”?!?



Well, I guess I should be grateful for the promise of a next time…

See you soon!

Enseda Fustian

Purveyor of life, love, beauty, intelligence, expansion, & harmonious relations across human experience. All photos mine unless otherwise noted.