Webinar: 5 Ways to Unleash the Power of Social Collaborative Learning

Join Engageli’s live webinar on November 15 to learn 5 strategies to boost L&D engagement and measure success. Register now for expert insights!

3 min readDec 15, 2023

Are you looking for ways to increase engagement in your online training sessions? Are you unsure of the best way to measure the impact of your L&D initiatives?

Engageli is presenting a webinar designed to help! Join us to explore innovative ways to drive and measure L&D engagement and content retention.

5 Strategies to Supercharge and Measure Engagement in L&D

Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Time: 11:00 AM — 12:00 PM PST / 2:00 PM — 3:00 PM EST

To register:

• First, create a free ATD account here.
• Then, secure your spot on our event page.

Video conferencing was never meant to be an L&D tool, so what do you do now? Most companies invest heavily in employee education and engagement programs only to have them fall flat on video conferencing calls. Join us to learn five innovative ways to drive meeting engagement and content retention that you can apply to your work right away. Plus, learn how to measure their impact on employee outcomes through data and analytics.

During this webinar, we will cover:

• The power of purpose-built learning tools: See the difference when using a platform designed to enhance engagement in learning sessions.

• Practical strategies to drive engagement: Learn actionable strategies to significantly increase engagement and retention, ensuring a more effective learning experience for your employees.

• Measuring employee outcomes: Understand the essential tools and methods to accurately measure the impact of your engagement strategies on employee outcomes.

Q&A with Industry Experts

As we gear up for the webinar, we want to know what questions are most important to you. We’ve set up a dedicated space for you to submit your burning questions related to driving engagement and measuring impact in L&D sessions. Nisha Abraham and Tyler Zimmerman will be answering these live during the webinar.

Don’t miss this chance to get personalized insights from industry experts! Submit your questions here.

Meet the Presenters

Nisha Abraham, Academic Engagement Specialist at Engageli

Live Webinar Instagram Post (1)

Nisha Abraham (she, her) has more than 15 years of combined industry, research, and higher education experience and, before joining Engageli, worked as the assistant director of the Sanger Learning Center at The University of Texas at Austin. She specializes in instructional design, training, and facilitation and has served as an adjunct faculty member at South University. She received her BS in cell and molecular biology from The University of Texas at Austin in 2007, her MS in biology from Texas A&M University in 2012, and an MA in STEM education from The University of Texas at Austin in 2019.

“Access to real time and post session engagement data is a key differentiator in the learning and development field, but improving engagement must be intentional. During this webinar, you’ll experience practical strategies you can implement so that you actually see a difference in engagement and all of the benefits that follow!”

- Nisha Abraham

Tyler Zimmerman, Lead Specialist of Onboarding and Initial User Experience at Engageli


Tyler Zimmerman is leveraging his background as a higher education professional to enable more engaging and pedagogically-informed virtual learning experiences at Engageli. He has a passion for student success and uses a student-first approach to tackling contemporary issues in adult learning contexts. He is based in Portland, Oregon, but is originally from Anchorage, Alaska.

