Introducing Engage New Hampshire

Engage New Hampshire
2 min readSep 9, 2017


Manchester is our home because we have it all: riverfronts, highways that bring millions of visitors through our backyards, sports teams, colleges and universities, museums, green spaces, a booming tech sector and some of the richest cultural diversity found in New England.

The future is here, but many of us feel apprehensive or ashamed of our past. Many cities around us have embraced a regional renaissance and evolving economy, but we sometimes crouch in the shadows instead of reaching for the stars. We should be proud of our City and excited for our what we can do.

We are native sons and daughters and immigrants committed to cultivating, nurturing and elevating dedicated and aspirational leaders for the future of our city and state. We are forming a new and nonpartisan effort to engage new voices supporting social change and inclusive visions for making Manchester and New Hampshire THE gateway to northern New England.

We are proud to launch Engage New Hampshire which is dedicated to building a culture of civic engagement. We will embrace emerging civic leaders throughout New Hampshire to take up the mantle of local and state leadership. We value healthy democracy which means encouraging people from diverse backgrounds to give back to their communities through appointed and elected office and it starts at the municipal and town level. We value debate and conversation instead of nasty behavior. We believe that promoting informed citizen action will build more accessible communities, quality public schools, financial sustainability, strong public infrastructure and design thinking for the economic, social and civic future of the Granite State.

Our communities need to feel confidence in local office holders who will listen, work hard and hold a forward looking vision for New Hampshire’s economy. We believe that fostering a culture of diversity, innovation, and inclusion that represent our city and state starts with civic leadership. We look forward to a future where staying in New Hampshire and staying in Manchester becomes the norm and not exception. We hope you’ll join us in a spirit of optimism and engagement for all our futures. It’s a new day for Manchester, the sun is shining brightly overhead, it’s our job to help everyone feel it’s warmth.

Liz and Jeremy Hitchcock and Tara and Gray Chynoweth are Manchester, New Hampshire residents and live in Ward 1. As a group, they have supported Republicans, Independents and Democratic candidates and are focused on supporting and incubating emerging entrepreneurs and leaders across the city and region.

